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"Oh." Y/N was disappointed that Lo'ak was so close to cracking the code. "Oh! I'm not sure." Y/N didn't want to tell the boy beside her that she had been eavesdropping on him.


Y/N took a deep breath. "Do you find me annoying?" Y/N asked him. Her tone soft, not like her usual. Lo'ak looked at her, staring into her deep ocean orbs, before replying to her question.

"No. What makes you think that? Did someone say I found you annoying?" Lo'ak became a bit more panicked at his last questions.

"No, and no. It's just..." Y/N hesitated before continuing. "I eavesdropped on you and Payakan?" She questioned herself, wondering if those words that came out of her mouth make her sink in a pool of regret.

Lo'ak stared at Y/N, before breaking off into laughing fit. He sat up and moved closer to Y/N. "Did you think we were talking about you?" He poked at her sides, making her laugh.

"No!" Y/N squirmed under him. Even after answering him, he still didn't stop. "Yes!" That word made him stop tickling her. He took ahold of her shoulders, pulling her up to face him. He held her cheeks in her hands, squeezing them together.

"I was talking about Tuk." He pulled her into his chest, swaying his body side to side. "Dad said I have to be more responsible of her, so I'm forced to babysit her when they go on their- date night." He gagged after saying that. "You are so delusional, princess." He patted Y/N's head before pushing her face away.

Y/N pulled him back, smashing his lips onto hers as their lips moved in sync. She pulled away first, Lo'ak's face still in her hands as her eyes were glued onto his lips, smiling.

"I'm so fucking dumb for thinking that." Y/N laughed.

"You've been staring my lips for an awful amount of time. If you want to make-out, just ask for it." Y/N shoved him away, turning around and bending over to pretend like she was vomiting.

"Ew. Cheesy. Don't talk to me again."

"Aw, but then you'll miss me."

"Touché." Y/N spun around dramatically, popping her hips as she walked towards Lo'ak, trying to he seductive in the joking way. Lo'ak's smile became wider as he tried getting her body off of him.

"You're the one being weird now!" Y/N's body completely dominated his. She bent down and crawled over him, his body was following her movements until Y/N was pinning him down on the sandy floor. In a sudden movement, Lo'ak flipped the two around so he was on top of her. He smirked as he leaned down to kiss her.

"I was going to show you this place y'know.." Y/N withdrew her lips from his. Her eyes didn't leave his lips that now inched closer. Once the contact was made, it felt like the two was in a field of euphoria. "I wanna.. be with.. you for the... rest of my life..." Y/N said in between kisses. She slowly raised her hand up to the back of her head, tugging at her queue as she brought it on top of her.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Y/N." He sat up, straddling Y/N as he reached behind him to bring his queue to his front. "Are you sure about this?" He warned the girl below him.

Y/N slowly nodded, and they connected their braids. They could feel each other's emotions, their heartbeat. Their bond, was eternal. Lo'ak brushed his lips over Y/N's neck, before nipping at it. Y/N let out a shaky breath. Lo'ak's mouth grinned from ear to ear, lifting his head up to place his lips on hers, leaving them on their before pulling away. They stared at each other. Eyes full of love and their developed infatuation for each other.

"I get to watch you grow old and wither into flakes of dust in 50 years time now." Y/N said in a childish voice, flicking her fingers at his face as Y/N scrunched hers. She joked around with Lo'ak before they continued their intimate activity.

Perfectly Imperfect ☆ Lo'ak x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now