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Lo'ak called in the situation to his dad, basically a call for help as the demon ships started to approach the group from afar, they seemed to the non-human species, because they sped up. Everyone was strictly instructed to leave the place once getting the tracker out of Payakan. Everyone hopped onto him, trying desperately to get the tracker out of him, but it was too hard to do so.

"Hurry up!" Y/N strained, trying her hardest to push the tracker out of Payakan, the demon ship gaining closer and closer.

"Here, grab on!" Netyeam tossed a rope over for Lo'ak to tie around the tracker, and then Neteyam can pull using his ilu. The teenagers successfully succeeded at getting the tracker out of Payakan, but they all slipped into the water because of them losing balance. Everyone called for their ilus, and dashed off into the growing vines inside of the ocean. They thought this could be used to help everyone hide from the sky people.

Unfortunately, the sky people marked their locations, and sent machinery to make a deeper dive on the area. Most of the kids were caught in sight, meaning they were chased through the mini forest. Fortunately, the lights were dimmed, and the characters could blend in with the ocean pretty well. Y/N hid against a vine, with an air pocket hood for her to breathe in. She kept her head poking out of the cover, keeping sight of everything that was happening around her. Y/N watched Tuk and Kiri struggle to hold onto each other, and Tuk slipped out of Kiri's grip. Tuk was bumped by the machine. Y/N's eyes widened in concern and told Shelly to swim over to the little girl struggling to find a safe place. Y/N revealed herself in front of the sky people, and they started chasing her, racing each other to to Tuk. Y/N got to her first, tackling her away from the sky people. They both escaped for a good amount of time before Shelly was attacked by something launching at her, then transforming into a balloon which launched her upwards. Y/N pulled Tuk and her off Shelly.

"Shelly!" Y/N screamed through the water, but it was that dense that nobody was there to hear it.

What could make things worse, was that Y/N lost her breath when exposing her mouth to the water, meaning her chest and stomach was more tense than before. Y/N struggled to pull Tuk upwards, because her lack of breath made her weak. The closest air pocket was too far away as well. In the corner of Y/N's eye, she saw a dark blue Na'vi swimming on his ilu towards the two girls. Lo'ak held his hand out for Y/N to take, which she barely caught, and he had pulled Tuk and her onto his ilu. Lo'ak held Y/N's thigh so she didn't fall off.

Lo'ak pulled the two girls off the ilu once he dismounted his own, and he took them to a room with a large air pocket, the same as the one Y/N was in. They were covered and secured.

Y/N gasped for air, her body weak, yet she still tried hard to calm down. Her heartbeat was fast, she was desperate to calm her heart down. "Y/N. Y/N." Lo'ak tried to calm her down, but she kept on panicking.

"I- I can't breathe." She heaved. "I can't breathe." She repeated.

"Breathe from here. Slow your heartbeat down." Lo'ak held his hands on her chest and stomach. Tuk was hugging Y/N. After one good minute, Y/N felt a lot better. Lo'ak pulled the two girls into a hug. He pulled away and cupped Y/N's cheek. "I'm glad you're both okay."

Tsi'reya popped up, escaping her own taggers.

The four thought they were safe until we found flashing lights under our pod. "It is coming!" 'Reya exclaimed, Lo'ak ushered everyone to leave, him following after the girls. They all swam to an open area, which was dumb. The sky people found the four and released a net, capturing everyone. Lo'ak was quick to escape, but he didn't leave the girls' sides. He took his knife from his waistband, and tried to cut them out. Everyone was soon released from the ocean and now being carried in the air. Lo'ak was still trying to cut the rope.

Perfectly Imperfect ☆ Lo'ak x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now