ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ. (ʟᴏ'ᴀᴋ'ꜱ ᴘᴏᴠ)

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"Holy shit bro. I like Y/N." I rushed off to my brother to break the news, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

"I'm happy for you bro, but does she like you back?" He replied.

"I'm not sure, what do I do?" Neteyam doesn't have experience, but I gotta ask my bro for advice.

"I don't know, make a move." Real help.

"Absolutely not! She would stop being my friend forever!" I probably exaggerated that so much, but I can't take back those words now. Neteyam rolled his eyes at me and walked off, leaving me there thinking of how I can tell her I like her.

There is one other person I could ask, and that is Aonung, I shivered thinking of him, he would snap me if I told him I liked his sister. It was worth a shot, anyway. I looked for him and he was with Roxto. When walking up to him, he must have heard my footsteps, because he turned around to look at me.

"Wassup freaky boy." He laughed. He probably meant it as a joke by now, we're sort of friends. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Can I talk to you, alone?" I looked at Roxto, and he walked away, respecting my request.

"Alright, spill."

"So, does Y/N like anyone?" I asked him, not looking at him.

His eyes widened, before softening then smirking. "Aw. So you like Y/N?" I looked up at hin, surprised.

"What- but I- How did you kno-" He cut me off.

"You just admitted it." He patted my shoulder, bending down to my height. "I'm not that close with Y/N, but she probably likes you." He winked at me before walking away to Roxto.

"Don't tell anyone!" I shouted at him before he put his hand up while still having his back turned on me, telling me not to worry. I sighed before walking away in the opposite direction.

I was walking with Y/N, talking about Payakan, before someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from her. It was her sister.

"Bro what are you doing, I was with Y/N!" I said.

"Don't worry Lo'ak! You guys always hang together, she wouldn't mind a day without you!" She beamed, with a smile on her face. She has been nice to everyone since she has came here. I couldn't make that smile fade. So I did hang out with her. I took a few glances at Y/N, to see her with Neteyam. She hugged him. It made me jealous, even though they're friends, and he's my brother, why would I be jealous? Besides, Neteyam can keep her company while I'm gone.

I was broken off from the thoughts I had with a cold liquid being thrown at me. I gave Tsi'reya a tiny smile, splashing water at her which she did the same to me, then looked at Y/N once to see her crying on Neteyam's shoulder. I hope he didn't hurt her.

"Come Lo'ak! Let's go hunting!" Tsi'reya broke off my attention towards Y/N. I nodded at her to say yes.

I went back into my hut, to see Neteyam sitting, sharpening his knife. "Bro. Why was Y/N crying?" I asked him.

He didn't look up at me. "Since when do you care?" This skxawng is actually so dumb.

"I've always cared?" I said in a questioning tone, before continuing with a demand. "Answer my question."

"I don't know, find out yourself." This bitch is fucking making me do my own things right now. I sat next to the door of the hut, facing the ocean. Y/N was crying, again, with Tuk and Kiri hugging her. What is going on?

I caught Y/N's gaze, and she caught mine. Y/N and I tried our best to run over to each other, but before we could strike a conversation, Y/N was spun around and pulled the other way by my brother. Y/N stumbled as she turned her head to look at me, and smile at me apologetically. Gosh her smile is beautiful.

Tsi'reya pulled me away as I was about to wave to Y/N. We hung out, again. And I didn't get a chance to talk to Y/N.

"Lo'ak, do you like Y/N?" She asked me, smiling.

"Bro, why is everyone-, yeah. I do." I stared at her.

"I heard she likes Neteyam." My eyes widened. I was frustrated. Y/N and I have a closer bond than Neteyam and her! Aonung even said Y/N probably likes me! And I love her, not like. Tsi'reya splashed water at me. "I don't like seeing that frown on your face. Cheer up, there's a lot of other women out there for you." She smiled apologetically.

Days passed, Y/N and I have been drifting off a lot. Our friendship started to become awkward. Y/N and I could only pass each other with a wave and a 'hi'. No conversation. I will only make my move if she does. If we are even close to talking to each other, we get pulled away from either Neteyam, or Tsi'reya. We couldn't decline them because they were actually pulling us away, not giving us a choice.

I was just walking on the village path before bumping into a small frame, in front of me. It was Y/N. Now's my chance.

Fucking hell this chapter is wayy too short.

Anyways this chapter explains Lo'ak's POV about the situation. I know in the last chapter we had a mixture of Y/N and Third person but you could tell how Y/N feels about the situation I guess, and judging by the amount of words on this chapter it kinda matches the amount of words on Y/N's perspective.

925 word

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