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It was Lo'ak's chance to finally have a talk with the girl he was taken away from. As Y/N was about to turn and walk away, Lo'ak's hand smoothed around her waist and pulled her away. He took her to the cove where she said 'I see you.' Y/N wasn't really happy with this action.

"Lo'ak. What do you want?" The shorter girl sternly asked him.

"Have you not realised the distance that has been growing between us?" He asked the girl, with a raised voice, obviously infuriated.

"Yeah I have, and I've been trying to reach you these past few days." Y/N rolled her eyes at him as she answered his question impudently.

"Yeah, and so have I." His tone was sharp. "What's up with you snd Neteyam, have you decided to replace me with him?" He raised his eyebrows at Y/N.

"You're the one to talk, what about my sister? Aren't you guys dating?" Y/N talked back, showing her resentment.

"No! Who told you that?!"

"She did!"

"Well your sister is a fucking liar!"

"Don't talk about my fucking sister like that!" The two kept on attacking each other, their voices acting as a crescendo as they competed for who's voice was the loudest.

"Weren't you just against her?!"

"Shut up boy." Y/N said. "I love my sister, and if you fucking hurt her in any way, I will snap your bones." Y/N pushed her finger against his chest.

"You didn't even answer my question!" He sighed before continuing, in a much softer tone. "Do you, or do you not, like my brother." Y/N's tone did not match his.

"No! In what fucking world does it look like I like Neteyam! You seem to prioritise Tsi'reya more than you prioritise me now, so I decided to return the favour. And besides, don't you like my sister?" Y/N didn't believe him the first time he denied her assumption.

"I told you I don't like her!" Lo'ak grasped Y/N's wrist that was on his chest, harshly. Y/N winced, mouth agape as small sounds of pain kept on leaving her mouth. He didn't notice Y/N in this state. "If you don't like Neteyam, who do you like?! Is it Roxto?"

"I don't like anyone." Y/N started to sob, my voice breaking up and softening as he kept on holding my wrist, it would probably be bruised by now. Lo'ak seemed to notice the tears streaming down her face, but he just continued.

"Tell me. Now."

The pain was preventing me from saying words. Lo'ak thought differently. He was desperate to know. He didn't mean it when he pushed her to the ground. He was full of anger and fury, not realising what he is doing to the poor girl. He stepped closer to the girl, grasping her shoulders. She kept on crying. "I don't like anyone, because I fucking love you!" Y/N screamed at his face. Lo'ak stopped what he was doing. He let go of her shoulders, stepping back and standing up. He had a full view of the girl before him. Her wrist bruised, her shoulders a nice dark blue, a mark that represented his hands, and her face wet and puffy from her tears. "I knew you wouldn't fucking love me back." Y/N told him, her teeth clenched at him as she stood up.

"I-" Lo'ak stared into her ocean blue orbs, and her eyes were empty, lost. He tried to step closer to her.

"Don't fucking touch me." Y/N held her hands out at him. As she was about to turn away, about to run away, a hand took her forearm, spinning her around. His hands were on her waist, firm as he pulled her close to his body. Y/N's hands were on his chest, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she was staring at his lips, and Lo'ak was starting into her eyes. Lo'ak ended up pulling Y/N into a pair of soft, and warm lips. She widened her eyes in response, before closing them and leaning into the kiss.

Perfectly Imperfect ☆ Lo'ak x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now