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Narrator's POV

Y/N groaned excessively and dramatically, trying to sit up, but was stopped by a pair of arms around her upper back. The arms tightened around her which made her huff in defeat. She moved her head to look upwards and saw Lo'ak under her body. Her hands were on his chest as she pushed herself upwards so she was straddling him.

"Lo'ak, wake up." She leaned over and cupped his cheeks with her hands, shaking them. He didn't budge. "Lo'ak." She tapped his cheeks now, still no response. She sat up, took her hands in his and thought. She slid her body up his chest, and moved her hand under his head, bringing it up. She then raised her hand up in the air, her hand flat and strong, and slapped him.

"Shit!" He pushed Y/N off of him and hissed at the side the slap came from.

"Oh." Was all she could say.

Lo'ak looked at the girl. "Y/N! I thought we were under attack!" She rolled her eyes at him. This boy was delusional. He stood up and took Y/N's hand, pulling her up, and they walked back to the village together in silence.

"Y/N! You were gone the whole fucking night! Where were you?" Aonung rushed over to his younger sister as he caught sight of her. Since when did he care? He looked at Lo'ak, who was standing beside the shorter girl. "What did you do to her?" He pushed him.

"Nothing bro, don't worry." Lo'ak pushed him back.

"You guys are stupid, assholes." Y/N stepped in between the two. "I'll be so surprised when you guys become friends, with benefits." Aonung glared at his little sister before storming off.

"That boy is unstable."

"Don't talk about my brother like that." Y/N hit his shoulder glaring at him. They both parted ways, both going to their Mauri Pods. Y/N walked over to her sister who was sitting on the floor of their pod, grinning at her suspiciously.

"You like him~" She said in a sing-song way. Y/N cant deny it, she might have a small crush on the youngest son of Toruk Makto. Y/N playfully pushed her sister so she fell on the floor.

"Oh shut up 'Reya."

"I will not. He was giving you goo goo eyes!" Tsi'reya kept on teasing her sister before their parents walked into the pod.

"Where were you?!" Ronal asked the older sister.

"I was.. sleeping in a cove?"

"For the whole night? Eywa knows what could have happened to you!" Tonowari said for Ronal as he pulled Y/N into a hug.

"I know. I'm sorry." Y/N hugged him back. Tsi'reya gasped in delight as she stood up, Y/N looked at where she was looking, which was towards the ocean, and what she saw made her face break out into a large smile.

"The tulkun are here!" Y/N dashed out of the Pod, heading over to the Sully's place. There she bumped into Lo'ak who just exited. She took his arm in her hands and pulled him towards the water. She called for Shelly and mounted him, pulling Lo'ak on Shelly as well. He had his hand on her stomach as Shelly swam towards the tulkun. She dismounted Shelly once she found her sister, and swam over to her.

"Leilani!" Y/N signed, she was very happy to see her spirit sister. "How are you?"

"I am doing well, Y/N, how are you?" Leilani asked the girl.

"I met a boy, I like him, but I'm not sure if he likes me back." I told her.

"I've only been gone for a few months, and you're already screwing with some boy, who is he?"

"His name is Lo'ak, he is from the Omatikaya clan."

"Screwing with a boy from another clan as well. I better see kids with teal and dark blue stripes in a few years time." Y/N laughed at her wish.

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