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Y/N was running around the village, bumping into random civilians, moving them out of the way, desperate to find Lo'ak. She took a quick turn before falling flat on the path as she bumped into a dark blue person. Instead of Lo'ak, she bumped into Kiri.

"Kiri! Have you seen Lo'ak?" The hyper girl asked her, ready to sprint away.

"He went to go see Payakan." Y/N slowed down her tracks.


"Something about you, I'm not sure." Kiri noticed Y/N's expression falter. "No- no, not in that way, I'm sure it's not bad, he loves you." Kiri stepped closer, cupping Y/N's shoulders, giving her a reassuring smile.


Y/N walked off with no goodbye, and she called for an injured Shelly. She was going to go find Lo'ak.

"Hey Shelly.." Y/N stroked her head, before mounting her. "Don't rush yourself, take your time." Y/N patted Shelly's head before commanding her to swim. Shelly took Y/N to the three brothers' rocks, which was the most common place for Lo'ak to find Payakan in. This time, Payakan and Lo'ak were near a rock good enough for Y/N to hide in. Shelly dove into the water with Y/N on her back, then resurfaced once they reached the rock, listening into Lo'ak's and Payakan's conversation.

"Oh lets just keep doing what you want, cause that's all we do. How about we not do what I want, because that makes me selfish and happy." Lo'ak exaggerated every word he said, as if he was talking to Y/N. She furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't know.. maybe I'm not ready.." His words softened. Y/N thought about it. If Kiri said Lo'ak went to go find Payakan because of her, and he said he wasn't ready, that means- Y/N shook those thoughts off. She didn't want to jump into conclusions so quickly. She kept on listening carefully, excluding ocean sounds to heighten her eavesdropping on Lo'ak and his spirit brother. "I don't want to be with her. She is so annoying, Payakan. I have to see her stupid face everyday."

"Just, ignore her then?" Payakan said, as if it was obvious. Words like what Lo'ak said can be easily misinterpreted, and Y/N was one of those people. Her heart shattered at those words. She got Shelly to dive into the water and swam away from the two.

Lo'ak got back to the village just before eclipse, and if Lo'ak really thought those things about Y/N, she was going to make him think differently. Once their eyes locked with each other, they began walking to each other.

"Hey Lo'ak!" Y/N kissed his cheek.

"Hey Y/N." Lo'ak hugged her.

"What do you want to do?" Y/N asked him.

"I'm actually quite hungry, lets go get something to eat." Y/N nodded at him. He took her hand in his and started walking to the sandy beach to collect and eat their food.

Once they did collect their food, they both walked over to a private place for just them to sit and talk.

"So.. how was your day?" Y/N asked, trying to keep the conversation civil, and not trying to joke about things.

"It was great. Sorry for abandoning you, I left you for Payakan." He looked at Y/N when apologising.

"It's fine. What did you and Payakan talk about?" She asked him, hoping for him to be honest with his words.

"Stuff." Y/N nodded questioningly.

They both sat in a fit of silence, which was unusual for the two. Y/N was normally the type to make a joke and then they get into a nice, friendly conversation.

"I'm going to go sit with Neteyam." Y/N looked up from her food to his eyes as he stood up. Once Lo'ak left, Y/N checked him if he was looking back, and he didn't. Straight after he sat with Neteyam, they both broke off into a laughing fit.

Y/N took herself to the cove where Lo'ak and her kissed, which she was going to name, 'Leilani'. She sat in front of a rock, blocking her body from the villagers so she could just sit. Thoughts ran through her head as she thought about the conversation Payakan and Lo'ak had before. Did he not like her? Was her joking manner too much for him? Those thoughts were held accountable for the attitude change in Y/N, and she hated how those thoughts changed her personality in the matter of hours.

Y/N has not been joking around the past days. Everyone definitely noticed her change of attitude. Some liked it, some didn't. Y/N was walking to the shore to meet up with Neteyam and Lo'ak.

"Hey guys!" Neteyam and Lo'ak gave each other a knowing look.

"Hey Y/N." Lo'ak said, coldly.

Y/N's eyes widened slowly before retreating and returning to its former position. "What do you guys want to do?" The two boys noticed this as well.

"What do you want to do, Y/N?" Y/N was shocked, not in the way that they 'found out', but in the way that they asked her what she wanted to do.

Y/N said through her teeth, still smiling. "I'm not sure." She did know what she wanted to do, but she didn't say so.

"Okay, lets go hunting." Y/N paced behind them, staring at the ocean most of the time. Once they reached the ocean, Y/N hopped onto Lo'ak's ilu after he mounted his. She wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into him as he held cupped her hand with his.

The three reached a deeper terrain of water, then got off their ilu's and swam deeper into the water. The three had a crossbow with them, Y/N got hers from Neteyam, and they split off to go hunt some fish. Y/N collected three fish. The fish she caught were mainly in a group, and they didn't swim off that far when one died. Y/N put her fish int Lo'ak's ilu's saddle, and sat on it, waiting for the brothers to finish hunting.

Y/B dozed off in a bit, barely awake. She waited thirty minutes for the brothers to finish, mainly because she was too lazy to catch more fish. Y/N was startled as she jolted and fell off of Lo'ak's ilu when he tapped her shoulder. She fell on Lo'ak, making him drop the 5 fish he collected.

"Y/N!" Lo'ak seemed angry at her for making him drop the fish, but he was actually just shocked by her fall.

"Sorry! I'll go get them!" Y/N took a deep breath.

"Y/N- no.." It was too late, because she already dove. In about 10 minutes, Y/N retrieved the fish that she made Lo'ak drop, and put it in the basket on the other side of Lo'ak's ilu, before mounting it, sitting behind him. "You didn't have to get the fish, you know.." He commanded his ilu to swim back to the village.

"Oh, I didn't hear you."

Once the three came back to the village, Y/N skipped dinner, and she headed off to the underwater cove, so she could sleep. She didn't want to be around anyone at the moment.

She swam to the cove, climbing onto the unusually dry sandy ground, and laid on her stomach, using her arms as her pillow. Y/N was so surprised when the silence was interrupted by a splash of water, coming from the one person she didn't want to see at the moment, Lo'ak. He looked around in bewilderment before drumming Y/N's lower back then laying down beside her.

"How did you find me?" Y/N shifted her position so she was laying on her side, using her arm to keep her head elevated and faced Lo'ak.

"I followed you." He chuckled. Y/N nodded before laying back down on her back, staring at the rocky shelter covered with blues and greens.


"You've been so nice lately, where's your sense of humour?" Lo'ak smiled at the ceiling. "I miss the old you."


okay so Ive completely run out of ideas because I haven't made my own storyline for a story at all. These extra chapters have no plot as well since this is happening after the original ATWOW story.

Help mee

1414 words

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