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Third POV

"Holy shit bro. I like Y/N." Lo'ak runs to his brother shaking his shoulders.

"I'm happy for you bro, but does she like you back?"

"I'm not sure, what do I do?" Neteyam knew the perfect plan.

"I don't know, make a move." Neteyam replied.

"Absolutely not! She would stop being my friend forever!" He whisper-yelled. Neteyam rolled his eyes and walked off, leaving Lo'ak standing there dumbfounded.

Neteyam was looking for Tsi'reya, who was with Kiri.

"Hey. Does Y/N like Lo'ak?" He asked the two. The two of them looked at each other, speaking to each other with words.

"Yeah, don't tell her I said that, why?" Tsi'reya answered Neteyam.

"Y/N likes Lo'ak?!" Kiri gasped, placing a hand to her mouth.

"Great, well that skxawng likes her too, but they're probably too scared to make a move, I know Lo'ak is. Neteyam explained, stifling a laugh. Tsi'reya knew what he was getting at.

"He likes her back?!" Kiri was confounded by their words. The two ignored her.

"No. We are not doing that, it would literally ruin those two." Tsi'reya disapproved of Neteyam's tacit plan. Yeah, Tsi'rwya would help Neteyam get their siblings together, but she didn't want to stoop this low.

"Yeah well we have to do something, they're never gonna realise their feelings for each other if we don't do anything about it." Neteyam protested.

"Yeah. Okay. I'll do it." Tsi'reya agreed. Kiri's demeanour increased.

"What is going on?!" She leaned her body forward, having her arms out to emphasise her question.

"The two shits like each other but don't realise it. They won't even say anything to each other either, so us siblings are going to have to do something." Neteyam said.

"Soo.. you're planning on making them jealous?" Kiri questioned her older brother. He nodded in reply, placing his lips into a firm line. "That's outrageous! They're gonna hate each other!"

"You don't know for sure." Tsi'reya defended Neteyam's plan.

"Fine. But I'm stopping you if this goes too far." Kiri was in the right mard when she said this. Kiri wanted no self-involvement in their plan.


I met Lo'ak at his pod, and took him out so we could talk about literally anything. I enjoyed the time we both had together before Lo'ak was pulled away by my sister. He turned around, still being dragged and said goodbye to me. I didn't know that was happening. They both looked like they had the time of their life, so I just sat down on a barrel next to my pod.

I saw Neteyam in a distance, and I jogged up to him. I pounced on him as a way of greeting him.

"Hey Neteyam!" He wrapped his arms around me in case I fell off him, and he put me down slowly.

"Hey Y/N. What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Lo'ak abandoned me for Tsi'reya so I don't know what to do. Want to hang out?" He gladly accepted, internally smirking as 'plan A' was working.

"I heard Tsi'reya likes Lo'ak." Neteyam decided to take the plan to the next level, even if it was too early for him to do so.

"Oh." Were the words that came out of your mouth as you realise own sister liked your crush.

"Yeah, do you happen to like him?" He asked me. I looked Neteyam with an expression that says he was right about the assumption he made. "Oh. I'm sorry." He hugged me. I started to cry, I didn't know why though, I don't love him, do I?

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