Chapter 4: The Tutor, Reaping Battle

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After a while they had reached the first class lounge, the device was positioned at the top of the grand stair, but the Viscount was not doing anything since he said the cast missed one more player, greatly confusing the trio. At that moment Rian Stoker appeared, already captured by the reapers, and started accusing the Viscount for stealing the machine. The Viscount unfazed by the accusations welcomed Rian and then started a delirium, saying that with the machine's help he would built a new empire.

"Come again?" Sebastian, Selina and Ciel said at the same time in a total loss.

"He who possesses eternity shall rule with immorality and decadent beauty. And it shall be called..." He paused for a greater dramatic effect. "The Aurora Empire!!" He cried and performed the new Aurora pose. He stood on one foot, stretched the other in the air turning his hips whimsically, one hand touching the back of his head and the other stretched in front of him.

"This all seems to have turned quite pear-shaped, huh?" Ronald Knox said scratching the back of his head confused.

"I will make that cad the reddest of reds in the blink of an eye!" Grell announced, readying her chainsaw and herself to jump down from the levelled hall she was standing.

At the same time Selina spoke. "So, let me get this straight. He wants to become an emperor in an empire where people can die and then come back to life as a mindless creature with a sole purpose of violently consuming the flesh of other living people? Of their family and friends?" Ciel and Sebastian nodded that she was right. "This is sicker than any demonic apocalypse I've read about and stuff!" She looked really appalled and then sighed. "It's been three years since I've felt the absolute need to kill a human, but I do now. Can I, my lord?" She asked looking Ciel pleadingly and her eyes revealed a person used to commit killings fully consciously. At that point only the eye colour was what differentiated her from the demon in Ciel's eyes.

The boy was ready to answer when the Viscount made everyone freeze by threatening he would spill his wine on the device. Ronald threw himself on an enraged Grell, circling her waist and begging her to calm down.

"This sense of irritation just grows and grows. May I kill him, young master?" Sebastian asked in a whisper; a stone cold killer look in his eyes. Selina nodding at his side.

"No. Not yet, though I do understand how you feel..." Ciel whispered back having a dangerously similar look to that of the demon and the woman.

At that very moment, the deafening sound of breaking glass was heard and literally a horde of undead appeared through all the glass doors and decorative windows surrounding the lounge. The monsters stretched their hands in a desperate, mindless effort to grasp any living flesh and tear it apart. The number of them had no end and their advances seemed to be driven by a greater strength than any time before, they themselves were bleeding and coming to pieces while trying to pass through broken glass but they paid no attention, since their target was right in front of them. Ciel pleaded to Viscount to start the device, but the man did nothing other than proclaim himself Kaiser and actually blackmail everyone that he would not start the machine unless they called him that.

"Let us kill him after all!" Ciel suddenly decided.

"Please wait. Though I do understand how you feel." Sebastian answered and immediately turned to fight the approaching corpses.

Selina took her swords and supported him worthily, since the butler, still holding Ciel in his arms, could work only with his legs and one hand. Druitt continued his delirium of grandiose comparing everyone to Roman gladiators and himself to Emperor Nero.

"Argh!! Can we kill him now?" Ronald Knox yelled once he heard that last bit.

"You just stopped me, did you not?" Grell cried while chopping down one more walking corpse. "Get a move on and start that thing up, would you?" She screamed towards Druitt.

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