Chapter 23: The Tutor, On Honeymoon

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In the speed of light, Sebastian reached their carriage, ready to take the bridles and guide the horses, but a very determined Selina forbade it and after some quarrelling, she threatened to burn him with her flames if he did not leave the trip back to her. How difficult guiding a horse carriage could be? Sebastian gave in but did not forget to make evident how annoying her over protectiveness was becoming... not that Selina seemed to be bothered at all. She pushed him back on the seat, covered him with his jacket and pulled up the carriage's hood for protection from the rain.

With a normal, slow pace the horses would take about forty minutes to get to the resort, but Selina forced them to make it in twenty – to be honest, there were a couple of times Sebastian thought the carriage would get overturned – and when they stopped in front of the building the horses breathed quite heavily with shaking legs.

The resort was dark and quiet except for Tom and Mary who had stayed up waiting for them to return. They looked quite worried and terrified in view of the state Sebastian was in as he was supported by Selina and blood was dripping on the floor. However, the couple reassured them it was nothing serious; they could handle it on their own, and promised to give explanation for the obvious vicious attack on them the next day, at some point. Sebastian's glare 'persuaded' them to not push the matter further and so the couple went to their honeymoon suite.

Selina deposited Sebastian on the bed and immediately started collecting everything she needed; a bowl of fresh water, many soft towels, a small vase with a red substance inside and a pack of some strange small pieces of bandages she found after rummaging for a while in her luggage. She put everything on the floor and kneeled down between Sebastian's legs. She rolled up the sleeves of his shirt she wore and got to work; firstly, she began cleaning him with the water and the towels.

Sebastian could not help but smirk, seeing her most serious face, worry obvious in the lines of her furrowed brows and pursed lips, the woman ignored him and went on. After cleaning any lingering blood, she was happy to see that many of the wounds were not bleeding any more, but the one right in the middle of his chest – the one through which the ghost had found his spiritual core – was pretty deep and would obviously need quite some time to heal. Selina opened the vase and started applying the red salve on the wounds with her fingers.

Sebastian chuckled while trying to resist the tingling sensation the fleeting touch of her fingers on his skin gave him and stirred other things inside him. "I thought you did not know how to heal a demon. If I remember correctly you were really frustrated about that when Undertaker impaled me."

"You remember correctly, but since then things changed. I extracted blood from the clothes you wore on Campania and used it to produce this salve. I believe that, since it has a part of you as ingredient, it will help your body accept the healing abilities of the rest of the salve. Now, if your body heals quickly enough, then you will have enough energy to heal your essence too, because I certainly cannot help you with that..." She grimaced with displeasure written on her face.

The demon's chuckle was louder and deeper. "It should disgust me; it should annoy me to have a human protecting, taking care of and worrying over me, since I am stronger than any human, superior..." His voice was suddenly quite husky and with a quick move he grabbed the wrist of the hand applying the salve and with his right one hugged the back of Selina's head, he brought his face close, his hot breath showering hers. "But it does not... on the contrary, I enjoy it, it excites me in a way I had never really felt until the aura of a certain little witch started tickling me inside out... and then I tasted her body..."

His mouth closed in and with a sigh claimed hers in a deep, hungry kiss that was obviously held back for some time now. Selina was once again confused by the demon and his sudden human-like externalization of feelings of... love? No, that was impossible for a demon. By nature, they could not feel something like that since every trace of humanity, their memories of it and all the positive feelings a human can feel are erased from the soul that turns to demon; while hate and other negative ones remain and become the natural state of these new creatures. So, what Sebastian exhibited must be clearly lust, which was not a stranger to many demons, as her experience had shown her. But still... a demon showing no interest in having sex with humans and then suddenly getting so sexually aroused by one in particular? It was strange, so strange.

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