Chapter 46: The Tutor, Infiltrating

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"Oh, poor Madam Red... I would really love to have met you. What a pity..." Selina said with a sad expression and voice, as she closed one more heavy volume on anatomy, belonging to the deceased doctor-killer.

She felt part of the woman's pain very close at heart, and was sorry she had lost her way and sanity to the point of turning to a ruthless killer. However, finding these volumes kept in her master's library was a pleasant surprise for Selina, because it showed that the boy still felt something for his aunt and wanted to keep something of hers close to him, as a memento, aside his own memories. Plus, they were excellent material for their future biology classes.

The blond tutor got up, stretched to wake up her muscles and picked up the three really big and heavy medical books. She exited the library and headed for her master's study, passing outside one of the second floor living rooms, where the boy was meeting with Inspector Abberline, reporting about the autopsies on the "beautiful corpses". Selina betted these people had died due to multiple organ failures caused by massive blood loss... exactly as Wolfram had said it could happen in extreme blood-letting cases.

"Then what in blazes should we do?!" Abberline, the usually calm inspector was heard crying out, having lost his patience after the Earl had asked him not to act yet.

Selina paused as the door opened and the boy stood there; Sebastian always by his side.

"This is why I, the Queen's Watchdog, exist... Well, just sit back and enjoy the show... I will have their tails pinned in my fangs long before they have a chance to flee..." He said proudly and self-confidently, knowing his own watchdogs would always have his back.

Abberline was left speechless by the child lord's attitude, but also by the so smug expression master and butler shared... not that the passing tutor looked any different as she looked at her master obviously proud of him. The thought that the notorious Queen's Watchdog was in full power, crossed Abberline's mind sending an inexplicable coldness crawling through his spine... And of course, he was right to feel like that!

Later that day, the trio was sitting in a carriage, outside the Sphere Music Hall, trying to figure out of a way to infiltrate deeper in this organisation... until the perfect means appeared in a most unexpected form...


"Thank you very much! We look forward to your continued patronage with Hopkins tailor shop!" Nina said, cheerfully bidding goodbye to the people of the Music Hall when she exited.

Followed by her assistants-models carrying her heavy bags, filled with fabrics and all the equipment a tailor would need, the bold tailor started to return to her shop, when a carriage passing next to her slowed down and a totally unlikable male voice was heard.

"Your luggage appears quite heavy. May I offer you a ride, miss?" The voice said.

"I am quite fine, thank you very much." The tailor said totally disgusted by the cheap pick up line. For the life of her, she would never understand how men thought women could be charmed by such techniques.

"Oh come now, you know I handle rejection poorly. Come ride with us, Nina." The voice said turning to a more pleasant boyish one that Nina adored, because it belonged to the most delicate boy she ever knew.

"Oh my! It is the Earl!!" She cried excitedly, as she saw him appearing behind the carriage's curtain.

Needless to say how her sudden change made the boy instantly lose his confidence and jump at the opposite seat, joining his butler and tutor, squeezing himself between them, since Nina accepted his invitation without second thought.

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