Chapter 60: The Tutor, Lifted Veil

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"Ah, Will!! You finally came! What took you so long? Do you have any idea how much make up I will need to cover up all these bruises?" Grell was heard, back in her usual tone, brandishing her chainsaw death scythe with one hand and pointing at her indeed bruised face with the other.

Of course, William T. Spears, the so stern and focused on task reaper, did not respond or pay attention as he moved further in the hall, his scythe still fully extended forcing that of Undertaker's and Undertaker himself to walk back, away from humans and demon. Grell and Ronald followed slowly circling the renegade reaper.

Undertaker allowed to be pushed back for a while and then freed and lowered a little his weapon; a wide smile appeared on his lips as he seemed to examine the newcomer. William pulled a small notebook from his pocket, opened it and started reading with his impassive voice.

"Afterlife Citizen under the registration number 136649, Retrieval Division. Deserted his post in 1839, without handing in his custom death scythe and began living among humans under the alias and occupation of Undertaker. Has repeatedly experimented and tampered with dead humans, trying to revive them and succeeding but in a state far from that of a normal, sentient human. Has also caused the deaths of many people not yet in the list... 136649, you are under arrest for violating... pretty much every Grim Reaper Dispatch rule. Surrender yourself!" He finished and turned his garden clipper towards Undertaker once again.

The silver haired ex-reaper was standing quite casually, twirling his single braid around his fingers and still smiling. "Hi hi hi, the Dispatch must be very serious in arresting me, in order to send so many little reapers after me. You must be the one that was forced to share a sleeping tent with master butler, right?"

Sebastian - with blades in hand, still crouched in front of his young master and his troupe - was certain Undertaker squinted for a second without leaving William's face. The demon looked at the so obnoxious reaper and saw... nothing. His face was blank, showing no disgust, annoyance or anything at the memory; it was a mask of pure apathy and detachment. The demon had to admit even he could not reach such a level; sometimes his annoyance, anger, curiosity or amusement got the best of him... and let us not mention his addiction to what Selina caused him to feel. A low chuckle was heard from the said woman and Sebastian saw her smirking lightly with a look saying "As expected of the Chief of the British Headquarters, William T. Spears!"

"An unfortunate occurrence indeed, but unavoidable for preserving my cover and completing my investigation." The dark haired reaper responded and that seemed to amuse Undertaker.

"Hi hi hi, what a stoic and cold little reaper is this? It does not matter, it will be more fun." He said and in a blink of an eye disappeared and reappeared behind William.

Without a word, he brought down the scythe attempting to slice in two the unsuspecting William, but was surprised to find his weapon once again blocked by the retracted clipper and the wielder having not moved an inch from his position. Othello got so surprised, perhaps even scared, by the sudden attack right beside him, that without realising he let out a small squeak and ran to take cover behind Grell. The red headed reaper looked at him confused.

"You are doing that again? Just a second ago you were all smug smirks and confidence and now you run? At this point, you should produce some super secret weapon or something!" She was quite furious, indeed.

"I brought the handcuffs..." Othello said with an innocent smile, that only succeeded in making Grell growl while threatening him with her chainsaw.

"Now, now, Mr. Sutcliff..." Ronald said trying to calm down his superior.

"Interesting, so so interesting!" Undertaker said before attempting another attack from a different angle.

Just like before, it was blocked with ease and without a blink of an eye from William, as did all the next ones. That seemed to perhaps anger Undertaker and his attacks became faster and more erratic, but William dodged them quite satisfactorily. They started flying around the high ceiling hall and Grell with Ronald joined in making constant attacks, not giving Undertaker a second to breathe.

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