Chapter 35: The Tutor, Fair Lady in Training

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A week later the entire Phantomhive group, along with its newest additions, was travelling back to England to Diedrich's relief. The German man was matching Ciel in grumpiness and never missed a chance to state how he longed for his usual calm life to return after their departure, even though he provided his guests everything needed without complain. Thankfully, Wolfram proved once again he was a real warrior and a strong man, and in a week was back on his feet perfectly healthy and ready to travel.

Since Ciel and Diedrich could not be certain the German government would consider the Emerald Witch dead and the entire project a failure, thought it would be better to take every precaution possible. Therefore, Wolfram and Sieglinde travelled disguised as a brunette tall man with a moustache and his blond handicapped daughter. They were also told not to speak too much or too loudly, especially when they would cross the German borders; both child and man looked obviously uncomfortable with this but nothing else could be done.

As expected, Sieglinde forgot all of her discomfort once the train began moving. She never left the window and her eyes never stopped looking outside utterly excited, and when on board the ship taking them to England, she never left the deck. Her big round eyes got bigger and a permanent happy blush painted her pale cheeks as the sceneries were moving in and out of her sight, constantly changing; she found everything beautiful and unique – actually these two had become her favourite words during their journey. Wolfram was no less enchanted by what he saw, having also grown up in a different kind of imprisonment in training camps, but was always mindful to express everything in moderation as the adult he was. Moreover, his pride still did not allow him to show admiration in front of the British brat and the unlikable butler smirking in an identical manner all the time.

Selina was also enjoying the trip, finding Sieglinde's surprise in everything quite refreshing; she reminded her of a small baby, only a few months old, with wide open eyes trying to take in a whole new world spreading in front of it at every chance. Sebastian could sense his witch's happiness, radiating such a calming aura, and soon found he could not resist smiling every time he saw her smile in view of Sieglinde's so childish antics.

The demon could not deny he partly understood the girl's excitement; living all your life shut in a castle, caught in a tightly woven web of lies would be hard even for demons that were lonesome creatures by nature, but still needed a freedom of movement in their lives. If the young Earl shared any of his butler's thoughts or of his tutor's joyous feelings when looking at his newly acquired pawn and... friend, would remain a secret, something only he knew, hidden behind his charming but quite calculating smile.

However, when they finally reached London they all witnessed something very rare; they saw two living emeralds shining as the precious stone would, when Sieglinde opened even wider her awe filled and sparkling eyes. She and Wolfram had opened eyes and mouths in astonishment, seeing the majestic buildings of the great European metropolis; nothing like the small medieval village in the midst of a dark forest, constantly covered with a poisonous fog. Here, thousands of people were freely walking the streets talking and smiling in their elegant clothes, women mingled with men and walked hand in hand on the pavements, while carriages drawn by beautiful horses crossed the roads. The air of freedom blowing through the city was making Sieglinde feel light-headed and talk loudly in German unable to find the words in English, Wolfram did the same until a stern and serious velvety voice landed them back to reality.

"Using German here will make you stand out. Please speak English from now on." Sebastian informed them in German to be sure both understood him.

Sieglinde quickly agreed but Wolfram seemed quite panicked as he whispered to his peer. "My lady is one thing, but I can barely speak a word of it, you know?!"

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