Chapter two

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Esmeralda's Pov

I opened my eyes and I was in bed wearing black pyjamas. I honestly thought I was dreaming until I touched my shoulder, there was a bandage there.

The door flung open and Mr Honjohn came in. He places his hand on my cheek. I felt a sensation of rage and disgust as I pulled myself away and spat eyeing him angrily.

His smile faded and he got up, “You aren't going anywhere, the chip in your shoulder isn't only a tracking on but also a bomb" My eyes widened at the revelation. “You fucking sicko" I kicked him and got out of the bed. He moved close to me and grabbed my jaw, “Dont test my patience, I like it but I could kill you any time I feel like it" His grip intensifies making me wimper in pain as he smirked, I hated showing him I'm weak and vunerable, I was just filling his ego more.

“Get some rest, tommorow is a big day for us" He let go of my jaw and left the room leaving my on the ground in pain.

I was about to enter bed and sleep when someone knocked on my door, I opened it knowing that Mr Honjohn would not be that much of a gentleman. I was relieved to see Noel, her presence making you forget the threat Mr Honjohn said.

I pulled her in and lock the door, we both sit down on the edge of the bed. “I hope you're, you know after  being locked up" She said concern evidenent in her voice.

I nodded, to be honest I was just happy she was here with me I was still terrified of the threat Mr Honjohn gave me. “Well tomorrow is a big day for everyone" I looked at her with confusion. I guess she could read through me because she began to speak, “Mr Honjohn's wife is coming back with young master much to Mr Honjohn's dismay".

“Do you mean Evand-" She immediately covered my mouth preventing me from talking. “We are not allowed to call his name, it young master you address him as".

She removed her hand from my mouth, “You said much to Mr Honjohn's annoyance, what do you mean by that?". She looked around before she got close to me and whispered. “Mr Honjohn hates his son and I think to feeling is mutual, Young master wants to be and Artist as you saw but Mr Honjohn wants him to take over their dark business". “What makes the business dark?" My curiosity was riding by the minute.

“I actually don't know but I heard it deals on drug trafficking" she whispered into my ear and I was left speechless. Of course that sick man would own a drug dealing company. “That means his son his a good man for not wanting to be a part of it", “Dont be so sure he's good, I heard he is a womanizer and breaks up to fifteen girls hearts a month" My eyes widened.

“Have you ever seen him?" I wanted to know how good looking he was to fool fifteen girls. She shook her head to my disappointed, “It hasn't been long I came here, I heard they had been away for years".

Noel left around 11:30 pm, I laid in bed but my head was to full for questions to fall asleep. If they had been gone for so long then why did they want to come back. I hated how curious I was sometimes.


I was awoken by a scream, “Richard so you brought this filthy thing to out matrimonial bed" I rubbed my eyes to see a tall white woman look at me in disgust. She looked like she was in her late 40s, she had black straight her with some grey hairs in it, her makeup wasn't the really impressive, and her style was old.

She dragged me out of the bed by my hair and threw me on the floor, “You bitch" she kicked me in my stomach. I looked at Me Honjohn expecting him to do something but he just look at the maid, “prepare a room for her, starting from today she will be of service to this house and nothing more" I was shocked by his statement, that son of a bitch, why did he bring me to this hell hole and stop me from escaping it if he was going to do this.

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