Chapter four

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Esmeralda's Pov

I slammed my room door trying to comprehend what just happened, my cheeks were red and my heat was riding and falling.

My eyes landed on the phone that he got me, ugh you idiot you didn't even thank him.

I pick up the phone, what was the point of having it, I didn't have Damian's number, he must be so worried.

I unconsciously put my hand on my shoulder winching in pain as I immediately removed it.

The phone was opened and had only one contact, I had access to social media but I was too scared to make an account so I just stuck with movie apps and tiktok.

I came out of the shower when the phone buzzed.

Hurry up we have work to do woman

I sighed and went to meet him.


I was talking to Noel when Evander came in, she immediately left and I looked at him with a what do you want look.

“Don't give me that attitude, you still work for me" he closed the door. “Get dress we are going somewhere" he was about to leave but I stopped him.

“I don't want to go anywhere", he looked at me coldly. “Did I say you had a choice" with that he slammed the door leaving me alone.

I reluctantly got in the car, things were still kind off awkward between us two since that morning.

It didn't take so long before he stopped at a tall building, he got out of the car and I followed.

Entering the place I couldn't help but feel underdressed with my plain white t-shirt and blue jeans.

The place was elegant to the brick I stared around with awe. “Sit here I'll be back" Evander said as he left me alone.

I sat in the reception and felt awkward because everyone was using thier phone or busy with something and I just sat there looking around like a kid.

Evander can not so long after that and I wasn't less happy to go back home.

We got in the car and he started to drive, “What do you want to eat" he seemed in a good like how he was in the morning.

I was craving ice cream, “I would like ice cream" I mumbled. “What did you say?", He asked.

“I want ice cream" I said loud enough for him to hear, “Where is your please?" He asked in a teasing tone.

“Please" I whined as he smirked, I could tell that was victory smirk.


Evander's Pov

I parked my car at the entrance of the building and glanced at Esmeralda who was fast asleep.

We went to alot of places after I got the news that my paintings of her were in top ten. I was so happy and decided to secretly spoil her.

I looked at her fully, she looked so peaceful and vunerable when she was asleep. I pulled out my hand to wake her up but I retracted it.

I came out of the car and swooped her into my arms bridal style, she muffled a bit and furrowed her eyebrows but she relax immediately after.

I just laid her on the bed when I got a call from the world best womanizer. “Hello son".

“What do you want?" I asked coldly. “That's no way to talk to our father" I scoffed. He sighed in annoyance, “ I just wanted to know if you are with Esmeralda". “I knew you wanted her, what are you gonna do make her your wife and my step mom" I spat angrily, he was sick for ruining this girl's life.

“Watch your tone young boy, I always knew you where useless enough to like a girl like her", “Says the one you raped her" I shot back rolling my eyes.

“Just don't let her escape your business with her is your competition and nothing more, buying her wasn't cheap ok" I felt throwing up at his words this guy was sick.

“I would advise you to obey me, we wouldn't want something to happen to her would we" I felt me blood boil, what do you mean by that?, “What are you talking about?" I whispered intensely through gritted teeth remembering that Esmeralda was sleeping.

“Hello, hello"

“That son of a bitch" I rubbed my temples and left the room, what did he mean by that?, how could he possible hurt her when  he was halfway across the continent with my mom?.

I sat on the floor near her room asking myself questions, but most importantly why I cared.


Esmeralda's Pov

I woke up and checked the time it was midnight, I went outside just to see
Evander sitting on the floor with his back on the wall for support. I bent over to him he looked so beautiful when he slept.

His hair covered some of his face and his breath was low, I leaned in closer to get a glimpse of his beautiful skin and soft lips. “What did he do to you Esmeralda" My ghost almost left me when he opened his eyes

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