Chapter eleven

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1 month later
Esmeralda's Pov

“This can't be happening" I stood up and left the bathroom landing on my bed and screaming in the pillow.

How could this be happening?, Why?

Why now.

Tears rolled down my face when the door opened, “Are you okay?, You haven't left your room so I decided to check on you"Noel put her hand on my shoulder making me sob loudly.

She hugged my shaking body and patted my back. “What happened?, What happened to you was it Mr Honjohn?".

I shook my head, since Mr Honjohn came back he hasn't tried anything, he just sends me around like a classic maid.

“We share everything Esmeralda, what happened to you?". She pulled my face making eye contact and I couldn't keep it anymore.

I hugged my belly as I looked down sobbing harder. “You have an upset tummy?", “I'm pregnant Noel" I covered my face with my hands. It just had to be now when everything was alright.

Well not completely but this made things worse. What would Mr Honjohn do if he found out?, How would Evander react.

“That's great news... Sorry to ask but who is...", “Noel I am in no good mood to joke around" I cut her off and she held her chuckle.

“What's so bad in having a little bundle of joy around?", “Nothing just the fact that I don't know how the father and his father would react... Oh and I might probably get killed, or rejected".

“You should tell Evander... If he rejects you them you'll have me to kick his ass for you"

I nodded and she squeezed my hand assuringly before leaving. I let out a sigh, maybe she is right it wouldn't be that hard right.

I was shaking terribly as I knocked on Evander door, He opened it and pulled me in.

“I was looking fo you" He quickly pulled out a laptop. “W-why" did  Noel tell him... Ugh I would kick her when I see her next.

“I found this" he shoved his laptop in my face pointing at the image of a building, “It's in Costa Rica, I invested the money we earned from the award in a website for selling my art and by the this time end of the year we would finally be able to escape".

He hugged me, “Away from this hellhole, just the two of us" he said that with so much desperation.

“Yeah... Just the two of us" I couldn't tell him now, the end of this year... I could keep this human a secret till then.

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