Chapter five

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Esmeralda's Pov

I woke up in my room realizing they where bandages around my chest up to my shoulders, I wanted to get up but someone gently pushed me back. I my locked with his green eyes and I hated myself for never noticing how beautiful they were.

“You need to rest" his hands were sweaty as if he was nervous. “I guess I passed out", I laughed but he didn't seem so happy with that joke. He pulled me into his embrace but not hugging me to tightly, “I thought you were going to die" His voice cracked at the last part.

Evander's Pov

“Ok I just it" I should have known dad would do something like this but was to far. I studied the beeping thing in my arm, a frickin bomb?!, Why did he always do this to girls I got attached to.

I remembered Saria, My first love. My heart clenched as I remembered her corpse on the floor bleeding. The thing started to make alot of noise making me panic, I picked up on of my rag dolls and cut it open before putting the bomb inside.

The atmosphere became quiet and then it hit me, Esmeralda?! . I dropped the doll and ran up to her. I checked her pulses the were low, panic had once more settled in me.

I quickly bandage her up and ran out of my room, catching the attention of some maids. “What wrong young master"one of them ran up to me seeing me pant heavily, “Esmeralda... Help" I couldn't say much and I was shaky but thankful she understood and called others.

I watched as she laid almost lifeless on her bed, this was all my fault. I couldn't afford to loose her, even if she anything was not to me my heart felt otherwise...

Present time
“Evander" her  lovely voice snapped me back into reality and I pulled away from her, I immediately missed the warmth of her body. “Why did you think I was going to die" she asked softly, I couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled because we were inches away from each other.

“The bomb my father inserted in you was very close to your spine, I thought I mistakenly cut a vein" I said putting my head down. Her scent drowned me and I realized I hadn't been this close to a girl after Saria. I tried to hold back my tears as nostalgia hit me but there where to no avail.

“What wrong" she asked worried, I hugged her without thinking twice, “I failed to protect her from that man, I lost her, I-I".

Narrator's Pov

Esmeralda didn't know what to do, she was confused but genuinely worried for him. She brought his head up and came face to face with his pain filled eyes. “It's okay" she cupped his cheek with her hand cleaning the tears. She felt drawn to him and the need to protect him from the cruel world, the world with predictors waiting to attack, the world where there was no peace unless they were together.

He looked at he her brown eyes radiating genuine care and warmth, he leaned closer and their lips were inches away from each other, she closed her eyes waiting for the kiss. Suddenly the door opened and both of them shook out of thier gaze, “Oh I'm sorry" Noel said with an apologetic tone but Esmeralda knew she wasn't going to hear the end of it.

She left immediately leaving the food tray on the table, Esmeralda swore she saw her squel quietly as she left.

Evander cleaned his tears and got up, “you should eat you need energy" he sat her up and put some pillows to support her back, the instant pain made Esmeralda flinch.

He brought the food tray and sat next to her. She didn't resist him feeding her, honestly she wanted his affection, she craved his love and his lips, she felt the contentness and joy she hadn't felt for years when he was with her, he was all that she needed at that point and she knew she was slowly getting addicted.

Esmeralda's Pov
The past month during my healing was the best, I and Evander got closer and I couldn't help but admit I had developed some feelings for him.

I could move my shoulder now and he helped me take of the bandages even though I felt a bit shy judging the fact I was half naked. I looked at my back in the mirror, “What an awful scar" I thought to myself as I was dressing up.

I was brushing my hair when, I heard a knock on my door. “Come in", the door opened and there he was looking hot in his black sweatpants and white t-shirt, he looked estatic as he ran up to me and hugged me tightly spinning me around before dropping me.

“What was that about" He was still hugged me his head on my shoulder as he said the words thank you over and over again. “I got a call from the competition announcers they are inviting us next week Tuesday to the award show", “Those that mean we-" I said in excitement. “I don't know yet but I am having a good feeling we did" He looked at me and smiled, “Where do you want to go, I'll take you anywhere you choose" he let go of me.

My mind went blank, maybe because he was inches away from me givng me butterflies or because I didn't know where I wanted to go. My eyes landed on the phone he gave me and it hit me, DAMIAN?! I haven't talked to him or seen him for months now.

“I would really like to see a friend of me, it's been so long since we talked" I could see his slight disappointment but he agreed happily. “Meet me downstairs when you ready" he practically skipped to the door making me laugh before he shut it.


Evander's Pov

I pulled up infront of the place she directed me to and we got out of the car, the building was beautiful and the inside wasn't any different, I didn't know she could dance she was really mysterious.

“Es?!" We turned to see a built guy behind us, “Damian" she ran to him and hugged him tightly. I frowned at the sight, jealousy hitting me. She did tell me she missed her friend but she didn't tell me he was a guy.

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