Chapter thirteen

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After that day Evander didn't talk to me me, I rarely left the room and the news got to the other maids.

I spent most of my day in bed sulking over my mistake, Noel brought me food but I mostly lost my appetite and due to my hormones would have a breakdown.

Noel placed a food tray next to me, “I'm not hungry" I covered me head with the blanket.

“How long are you going to be like this?, You need to think of your baby too". I turned the other way.

“Young master said you should eat this" I face her immediately looking at the food tray.

She had done this before, lying to me so I would eat. I sighed, “You don't have to lie-".

“He wrote a letter for you" she gave me the a folded piece of paper, “he made this himself" with that Noel left the room.

I frantically opened the paper wishing it was true and what I saw made my eyes well up.

I got up and left my room heading straight to Evander's room. I knocked on his door hoping he would answer me.

He opened the door and without a second thought I kissed him pushing us inside the room. I pulled away and smiled as I closed the door with my foot.

“I'm very sorry, I just didn't want to put any more pressure on you because of a silly mistake".

He moved back and I frowned, “How could you?..." I looked down. “Don't you call this a mistake" he touched my belly and smiled.

“It is more of a blessing in this terrible world". He smiled and placed his lips on mine.

“We will leave tonight, our baby can't grow in this terrible environment." He kissed my forehead, “By this time tomorrow we will be in Costa Rica" I nodded.

“I bet it's a girl" he said playfully, “Nooooo, it a boy" we both laughed and he hugged me. “I missed you", I hugged him back. “I wasn't far away but I missed you too".


I looked outside the window as I packed my things, everyone was asleep and Evander had everything ready for us to go.

We agreed to stay in a hotel and and take the morning flight tomorrow. I sighed and put in my last shirt.

My door flew open and I stood there in horror as Mr Honjohn made his way to me, he wrapped his hands around my neck squeezing it tightly.

I struggled to breathe as he tightened his grip, “You bitch... You got yourself pregnant for my son and you want to run away with him". He looked like the devil himself.

“I'm going to make sure you never live to see another day, and also that abomination you're carrying" my vision began to blur as he let out a sick laugh.

“I guess Evander didn't learn from the last girl, maybe I have to refresh his memory". I coughed and everything went black.

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