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Esmeralda's Pov

It's been three months since that incident happened. I and Evander sold the house and moved to Costa Rica, I still kept in touch with all the other women that where in that hell.

Evander got a permanent limp but he was doing fine and my feelings never changed for him.

Noel got into the fashion industry and is recently in Paris with her boyfriend Kyle. Damian and I have been talking non stop and I even got to meet his boyfriend.

Life had been going well and also...

“You doing well I need you to push" I sunk my fingers into Evander's arms making him wince in pain.

“Ah, you doing great babe" he smiled weakly, “Okay ma'am in three, two, one push" I let out a grunt as I pushed harder.

“I see a head one more time" I pushed and put my head on the pillow feeling relief. Crying filled the room and I couldn't help but smile as I looked at Evander.

“Congratulations it's a girl" she handed me my baby and I looked as her with tears in my eyes. She was covered in blood and looked so small and vulnerable.

“I knew she would be a girl, I can't believe this is happening" his voice cracked and the doctor took the child away.

Evander hugged me tightly and I felt tears on my shoulder. I giggled, “You are so emotional sometimes".

He placed a kiss on my forehead then my cheek, “I love you". “I know that" I smiled.

The doctors came back, “She's a healthy baby" she placed the baby in my hands. “What are you going to name her?".

I looked at Evander, “You went through the labour so you have every right to name her".

“Erma, her names Erma" I smiled and looked at her, she was my complement and I swore that moment to protect her and give her love.

I kissed her forehead and Evander put her fingers round his finger smiling.

Some months later

“So what was so important that we had to get out of the house so early?" I held Erma in my arms as she slept.

Evander woke me up by four in the morning and told me to get ready, also to wear something classy.

“It's a surprise" he said excitement pouring out of him. We pulled up at a parking lot, I could see in a distance alot of people waiting.

Immediately I got down the press came and started firing questions at me, I was scared that they would wake up Erma so I was grateful when Evander pulled me away.

“What was that about?", “You'll see but you have to wear this" he brought out a blindfold and covered my eyes.

He took Erma from me and held my hands leading me. We stopped and I was immediately hit with air conditioning, where was this place.

He removed the blindfold and I looked around in awe, we were in an art gallery and most of the art hanging where paintings of me.

“Evander" I hugged him, he lead me to another room filled with people. My eyes fell on Damian and Noel how everything changed so fast was incredible.

“I didn't want to do this without you" he took me to a red rope and everyone stared at us. “The Triple E art gallery is now..." He gave me the scissors and held it too. “Opened" we cut the red rope and everyone cheered.

Erma woke up and started crying, I laughed and took her from Evander. “I'll go feed her", “Let me follow you... I want to tell you something".

We both sat down on a bench outside in silence as I breast fed Erma, “I remember my first impression of you... I thought you were a jerk, a very talented jerk" I broke the silence.

“And I misunderstood you" Evander pulled my face to his, “We have come a long way since the first day we met... I thank my lucky stars that I fell of you and get to see this day with you and...".

I gasped as he got down on one knee pulling a box from his pocket, “I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, Esmeralda will you marry me".

I got up and adjusted myself, “Evander you are really something..." He looked at me with fear as I laughed.

“Ofcourse I will" He got up and kissed me passionately, he slipped the ring on my finger and Picked up Erma lifting her up in the air.

“Did you hear that, she agreed" Erma let out happy noises and I couldn't help but laugh.

And that's it the end of my story, I don't know if my parents can see me but I am grateful that they put me in this mess. Thanks to them I could see the sunshine after the terrible storm, and I am more than happy to walk the happy lane with my new family.

                      ~THE END~

A/N: OMFG!!!!!!!, I'm finally done with this book, there is just that relief you feel when you right those words “THE END"... I'm going to go scream outside to the world now, bye🤗😘.

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