Chapter nine

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Esmeralda's Pov

I woke up to a banging headache, probably just hungover. I got out of bed and put on a black T-shirt and short before going to Evander's room.

I knocked on his door and he opened it looking as terrible as I was. “We must have gotten really crazy last night" He smiled and dragged me in.

He brought out his book and flipped through some pages before stopping at one. He was blushing like crazy when he threw the book at me.

“I used this to enter the contest" I stared at the drawing of me in awe, I looked beautiful.

“That's not all" he picked up something and pushed it into my hands. I opened my hands and saw a golden ring with the words “E&E" engraved on it.

“I didn't know you could be this cheesy" I smiled and he joined too. We both stopped when we heard a knock on the door.

“Evander, I'm home" That moment I wanted the world to swallow me. I hadn't prepared for his parents arrival, what is he going to tell his mom about us?, How are they well mostly she react?.

Evander quietly told me to hide under the bed, and he went to open the door. “H-hi Dad, why are you back so early?" I could feel Evander's nervousness.

“I'm not allowed to congratulate my son, I saw the award ceremony, Esmeralda looked beautiful", “Where's mom" Evander said trying his best to hide his disgust.

“She's not important right now where is Esmeralda?" Evander shot the door behind him. “My mother is very important and I'm not telling you where Esmeralda is until you tell me what you did to her".

“Son that is not important-", “Don't call me you son you philanderer" Evander burst out. His father laughed maniacally, “You want to know where she is, she's dead son" Evander step back.

“She was a treat to the business, our business", “You fucking sicko". My heart broke as I heard Evander son.

“You have to do this things when you enter the business". “Leave, NOW" Evander pushed him out and slammed the door behind him.

“Are you okay?" I came out and put a hand on his shoulder, he was shaking terribly. “You need to leave he is looking for you".

“Evan-", “Just go I need to be alone". He snapped making me flinch, but I removed my hand and left hesitating before I closed the door.

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