Chapter fourteen

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Esmeralda's Pov

I woke up in a dark room hands tied behind my back. I screamed as I tried to struggle free but to no avail.

Mr Honjohn turned the lights on and I froze in horror. Evander was tied up sitting opposite from me, he was barely conscious and looked like he had gone through some serious beating.

He looked at me with worry in his eyes, “Aww how cute, two lovers watching their demise" Mr Honjohn clicked his gun and pointed it to his head.

“Leave him alone you son of a bitch" I shouted making him chuckle. “Look she is worrying about you", he frowned and shot his sons leg.

My heart dropped when Evander yelled in pain. “Nooo?!" I cried but froze when he pointed the gun at me.

“You should worry about yourself" he lowered the gun to my belly, “No, stop this" Evander panted out as he tried to free himself.

“Maybe she would teach you a lesson" I froze as the gun popped and blood splattered on my face. I looked down and I was fine, my baby was fine.

Mr Honjohn fell to the ground as he convulsed blood. I spotted Noel a gun in her hand, “No one threatens my bestie".

She untied me and Damian can into my view when he untied Evander, “Dude you look awful".

“Damian" I hugged him tightly, “Es, I'm so hurt... You've been pregnant and didn't tell me" he cleaned a fake tear before laughing.

“How?" I managed to blurt out, “Well Lily saw you being dragged out of your room and rushed to me".

“I didn't see Evander so I panicked and called your friend over here, he apparently had connection and we were able to locate you using Mr Honjohn's phone".

“We would have been here sooner but the dudes got some crazy security outside... We needed to get back up" Damian added and I hugged Evander.

“We need to get him to the hospital now" I pointed at his leg and Damian nodded in understanding.

He picked him up and we went out. We were in the middle of the woods but I felt free, after my parents death, after my bondage here, after all the pain I faced.

I was finally free and ready to start a new beginning with my child and it's father, Evander.

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