Chapter six

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Author's note: this chapter has some content not suitable for younger readers. Do try to be cool and let you eyes see what are, if you are not 18+ and you read this then I will get you😁🔪

Evander's Pov

I hated the way that guy hugged her, “How are you doing, what happened I lost contact with you", Esmeralda giggled “It's a long story but I won't be here if not for Evander over here" she pointed to me.

“Nice to meet you Evander I'm Damian" I scoffed and walked to Esmeralda. “I'll be in the car if you need anything" I whispered in her ear before leaving.

I closed the car door fuming with anger, how dare he touch her like that. I pulled out my phone trying to distract myself but it didn't work. I was getting so worked up over Esmeralda having a guy friend, I didn't have the right to do that did I?, She was exactly my girlfriend or anything and that taught seemed to piss me off more.

I adjusted the seat so I could lay facing the top of the car, I closed my eyes but that guy's face mocked me. Why did he have to be so hot?, with perfect skin and curly hair. Who knows if he is interested in Esmeralda.



I said goodbye to Damian and walked to the car. Today was amazing, I got Damian's number back and also got to dance with them a little. I was given alot of gift and also met alot of my friends. I could have still been stuck in that hell hole thinking of them of not for... I couldn't help but blush at the thought of him.

I got to the car and looked through the window, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep.

What the fuck are you saying.

I quickly snapped out of my trance and knocked on the window waking him up, he unlocked the door and waited for me to come in before locking it again.

“Thank you for today" she said looking at him but he just started driving with a “hmm" response. What got his mood all bad.

All through the drive was silent and he didn't even help of out of the car when we got back. I huffed and entered inside the house immediately meeting Noel's embrace. “So how did it go?" She asked is so much excitement, “It was not bad" I let out a grin to how confused expression, she was like that because I kept gushing on how excited I was to see Damian again.

“I was definitely the best day of my life" I said laughed at her pleased face as I matched her energy. “You have to tell me everything , ok in detail" she said dragging me away.


I put of the phone and got up, I was bored and I wanted someone to talk to. I went over to ask the maids were Noel was but she was taking a nap. I went upstairs and knocked on Evander's door maybe we could talk.

“Come in" I quickly entered inside closing the door. I moved closer to him “What are you drawing" he quickly hid his drawing, “non of your business”.

That was rude, “I was just asking no need to be so rude" I sat on his bed. “I didn't give you permission to sit", “Since when did you start acting like this".

He mumbled something under his breath, “what?" I got up and moved closer. “Nothing now please leave, you are distracting me" I scoffed and walked out of his room slamming the door why was he so rude.

It was night time and Evander didn't come down for dinner, “Young master didn't eat" the eldest maid turned to me. “Esmeralda please give him his food" I nodded and carried the tray from her hands.

I knocked on his door and got an annoyed groan from the other side, I opened it hoping he wasn't naked. Thankful he was but he was still drawing, I doubt he left that position since I left.

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