Chapter seven

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Esmeralda Pov

After the day Evander confessed to me everything had just been perfect. I slept in his room and woke up to him staring at me and calling me beautiful.

He had also been taking me out alot and buying me alot of gift even though I refused.

I told Noel about it and she was estatic, she also told all the maids. Some where happy but the others were scared for what his parents would do.

“Es" Evander back hugged me resting his head no my crook and kissing it. “Y-yes" I stuttered my words when he did that.

“Thank you" he whispered in my ear, I smiled and looked at him. “For what?" He picked me up and spun stealing kisses for my lips.

“Woah" I giggled as he dropped me kissing me again, “What's got you so excited".

“Firstly because I have a very beautiful and amazing girlfriend, secondly because my beautiful girlfriend..." He kissed me again making my cheeks burn.

He leaned to my ear, “just made us win the competition". My eyes widened, “OMG, you don't mean it" I threw myself on him and we both crashed down to the ground.

“The award ceremony is tommorow, I want you the whole world to know how beautiful my girl is" I froze at that word and quickly got up.

“T-the whole world" my voice shrunk, if the whole so my then his. I shuttered at the thought of him.

“Es, what's wrong"Evander got up and hugged my but I pushed him away slightly. “I don't want the whole world to see us together" I looked at the hurt expression on his face.

“No I don't mean I'm ashamed, I'm just scared of what your father would do" I looked down and he hugged me kissing the top of your head.

“The money we will win would be enough for us to get our own home" he held me hand and squeezed it assuringly.

“We will file a law suit against him and he will be locked up, I just want he and my mom to return", That didn't really ease me though but I smiled anyway.


I looked at my reflection in the mirror not being able to believe it was me. Noel really knew fashion, I looked stunning in the peach dress and heels with butterflies on each.

I also underrated her makeup skills,“You look amazing, I wish I was as lucky and pretty as you" Noel said gushing with excitement.

“Dont say that you are not pretty, even without the makeup you look stunning" her cheeks went red. “Promise me something" she suddenly became serious as her voice lowered.

“Please don't forget me, don't let that man torment us" she looked down and I could tell she wanted to cry.

I sat there in awe, I had never seen Noel cry she had always been so optimistic. I held her face and cleaned her tear stained cheeks.

“I promise we will figure something out, to save you and everyone", she hugged me and sobbed on my neck.

“It's okay" I patted her back. “You know you don't have to bottle up this emotions, it's not good for you" she nodded and cleaned her tears.

“Thank you", “Thank you for coming into my life" she said through her sobs.

I walked down the stairs and my eyes met Evander leaning on the wall using his phone. He looked breathtaking with a black suit on and hair sleek back.

He looked at me and his phone fell on the ground, he quickly picked it up and walked to me.

“You look amazing" he said still shaken. I put my hair behind my ear, “You don't look so bad yourself" why the hell did this feel like a date.

“Y-yeah, let's go" He held my hand leading us out of the house and into the car. “I would hit any guy that lays his unworthy eyes on you".

I giggled as he started the car, “Then I have a right to be violent when a woman looks at you" he smiled and we zoomed off.

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