Chapter three

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Esmeralda's Pov

Of course working with the fool that called me a slut wasn't easy. He kept on making my to stupid task like, “hold the pencils and pose", “go get me some water", “Squat down and don't move until I tell you too".

I crashed on my bed after the whole thing wishing I was just an ordinary maid, some of them don even work apart from cooking and cleaning.

I turned my sore body to look at the clock, it was frickin 1 AM doesn't this boy sleep. I was about to drift away when someone knocked on my door, I flung open without my saying anything and Crazy boy came in.

He sat next to me and made me sit up, “Never got your name" he said with a smile, part of me wanted to punch him after what he did to me but I held it in. “Esmeralda" I said with a fake smile. He patted my head, “Well my name is Evander, that's makes us E and E" He smile widened, “I rather call you crazy boy". He pouted and I hated my brain for thinking it was cute, “Bummer, I don't want to call you slut all the time, so I guess I'll call you short" I was so close to punching his perfect white teeth from his mouth when he brought out something from him pocket.

He handed me a chocolate bar, “I could really get anything else for now but if you are hungry I could whip up something" He said but I shook my head, I wasn't in the mood for his poison. He shrugged and got up, “Don't take it as anything, I just don't want you haunting my dreams for overworking you, plus you need more energy for tommorow Esmeralda" He shut the door and I thanked God for that atleast he wouldn't see my flustered face. Why did I act like that when he called my name.


You would think that after that day we got closer but for the past three weeks he just became cold and work orientated, not that sweet it that wanted to cook something so I could eat and get energy.

I walked to the garden because Noel told me he was waiting for me there, “You're late" He said and handed me a bunch of roses not waiting for me to speak.

I was wearing a white flowing dress as he requested and the wind was blowing the dress as long as my hair like crazy. “Come sit here"He said and I looked down at the rose bed he must have probable formed, I attempted sitting down but I sprang back up when a thorn pricked me.

I winced in pain but Evander just pushed me back, I could feel a bunch of thorns pricking me but he couldn't care less.

After everything I went upstairs to clean my sounds cause it somehow looked like I stained myself on the white dress. I finished a put on some pyjamas when the slowly opened, I peeped to see it was Noel. I guess she was trying to be quiet because she immediately came in and shut the door.

“Whats the mat-" She instantly shushed me and I was starting to get scared, “Mr Honjohn and his wife are going on a trip" My eyes light up as I was about to squel with joy but I controlled myself. “How do you know" I whispered, “I heard them talking about it and they are leaving tommorow morning".

We both stopped our little joy party and she headed out to leave, “You should hide you phone this isn't thier first trip and before every trip I heard he usually barged into any of the girls room and has his way with them" she whispered into my ear before she left. I shut the door in excitement maybe when he leaves I could try and escape this hell hole.


I crashed on my bed exhausted, Evander was really passionate on making me work 24/7 . I was about to sleep when someone pushed my door open, I forget to lock my door damn it.

I moved back as Mr Honjohn came closer to me and kissed me, he bit my lip hard making it bleed. I finally managed to push him away and caught my breath, of course he would come to me but I wasn't going to allow him.

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