Chapter twelve

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Esmeralda's Pov

Being pregnant wasn't easy, thoughtless of keeping it a secret. Six months in and I'm already huge.

Evander and everyone else said I added weight but Noel covered up the stories by giving me alot of pastries, even though I was craving them.

I also felt bad for Noel because of the inconvenience I caused, I was on high hormones and would have mood swings all the time.

Noel had to move into my room and we had to change my wardrobe into baggy clothes, mostly because my jeans didn't fit anymore and the ones that fit were very uncomfortable.

I also had to avoid Evander, thankfully Noel covered up for me most of the time.

I turned in bed, I couldn't get any sleep. I looked at the matress and smiled when I saw Noel sleep so peacefully, “I have been a really big pain haven't I?", I talked to my belly as I got out of bed.

I looked at myself, my clothes were starting to fail me... My belly couldn't hide anymore.

I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I rubbed my back as I bent to get a glass, I opened the fridge and got some milk.

I closed the fridge and downed the milk, I looked at my belly. “Just a few more weeks and we will tell him", “Tell who what?"

I almost dropped the glass when I saw Evander, He was staring in confusion looking at me and my belly. Shit I didn't wear a shirt that's big enough.

“Esmeralda... What's going on?, What do you mean?" He came closer to me and I backed away.

He looked at my reaction with pain in his eyes, “D-did I do something wrong?" His voice was soft making my stomach turn with guilt.

“No... You... I need to go" I walked past him but he held my hand. I shook it off, “Esmeralda what wrong with you" I sniffled, fuck! Stupid hormones.

He held my face, “What happened". I released myself from his grip, “Nothing".

“Then why are you crying" he wrapped his hand around my waist pulling me close to him. “Esmeralda... Did I or anyone offend you".

“No", “I don't like when you hide things from me". “Even I if told you, you wouldn't understand".

“Then make me understand" he leaned closer, I could feel his hot breath my face. “Leave me alone Evander", “What has gotten into you" I wriggled myself away from him.

“Nothing", “Something is up, what are you hiding?".

“Nothing okay"...

“Tell me what your hiding"...

I could feel my blood boil, “Fine... You want to know, I'm pregnant Evander, that's what I'm hiding" I blurted out.

He looked at me in disbelief, “Is it mine?". I nodded as I saw the pain wellup in his eyes. “How long were you going to keep this from me?" He asked backing away.

“I was planning on-", “Planning" his voice rose, thank God Mr Honjohn wasn't home. “Calm down Evan-", “Don't tell me to calm down" he shouted.

“There's no need to overreact-", “You don't have the right to tell me that". “I was going to tell you", “When?... The day you're in labour, or even worse you'll give birth and run away with my child, our child".

“Evander, I wouldn't" I tried to touch his shoulder but he slapped my hand away. “Dont touch me" He stormed past me and went upstairs.

“Evander" I followed him up and stopped him before he got to my room, “I wanted us to settle down... It was just six months and a few weeks".

He scoffed, “We share everything with each other and you chose to keep a whole human a secret from me" He pushed me and opened his door.

“I'm sorry" He rolled his eyes and closed the door on my face. Tears streamed down my face as I ran back to my door slamming the door.

Noel got up and hugged me as I fell on my knees, she looked at me with understanding as she patted my back letting me cry in her shoulder.

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