Two Unalike, But In Love - Thorin

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"Are you sure this is the right way?"

I held back a small laugh.

"My love, you are terrible with directions. Let me lead the way or we will be late."

I had allowed Thorin to take charge and lead us from Bree into The Shire. Already, we had taken several detours due to Thorin's lack of internal compass. Once we somehow managed to find our way to The Shire, we circled around several times before I became the leader with Thorin as my wary follower.

Thorin relented reluctantly.

"I just don't see why—"

I gave the stubborn dwarf a smile, and he knew to hush. I grasped his hands, leaning down slightly to meet his eyes.

"My love, if Mithrandir has claimed this burglar to be the final addition we need, then so be it. While Mithrandir is unconventional in his ways, he always has a plan. Do not worry so much. It does no good to your heart."

The dwarf moved my hands to his chest, just over his heart.

"You are my heart, amrâlimê."

I laughed softly at the dwarf's flirting, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Come along, my love. If we do not make it on time, they will tease us, and I know how embarrassing that is for you."

Thorin scowled, releasing my hands as he stalked the wrong direction.

"Nothing is embarrassing to me!" He exclaimed, continuing down the wrong path. I laughed gently as I turned around, heading in the direction opposite of him. He would figure it out sooner or later and join me.


"I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice. Wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for the mark on the door," a grumpy Thorin responded to Gandalf.

Truthfully, he had lost his way more than twice, but I was not going to correct him.

"I told him to let me lead, and he did not follow me," I teased, a smile on my lips. Gandalf chortled, and Thorin glared, unimpressed.

"Mark? There's no mark on that door! I painted it a week ago!" Exclaimed a voice behind Gandalf.

"There is a mark; I put it there myself," Gandalf stated, turning to the side to allow the little fellow to see Thorin and I in the doorway. The hobbit was unimpressed with Thorin, but as his eyes moved to me, his expression gave way to shock. "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce you to the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."

"This is the—"

"And who are you? You're very lovely, if I may say so," the hobbit asked, clearly speaking to me.

Thorin, clearly growing defensive of me, made a move to step in front of me. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, and the dwarf remained where he stood, albeit unhappily.

"I am flattered, Master Baggins, although I am happily courting this grump," Thorin puffed his chest out, clearly prideful. "I do apologise for inconveniencing you, however. It was relayed to us by Mithrandir you had invited us. I see now that was not the case, and I ask your forgiveness. I understand dwarves' appetites can be hard to deal with sometimes, as can be their boisterous personalities."

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