The Ring 💍 Frodo

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Prompt - Frodo has just found out about the Ring. He is worried over what the Ring can do and what he needs to do. After attempting many times to get him to tell you about it, he finally caves. Then, you manage to convince him to let you go with him.

Warnings- none


Frodo is quiet, and eerily so. It's not a peaceful quiet; it's a thoughtful quiet, filled with words and phrases unsaid. This type of quiet is uncommon in the hobbit-hole. Which is why it's so eerie.

You frown at this, scrunching your brows together and peering over at your husband. Has Bilbo's leaving affected him this badly? What could he possibly be thinking about that seems so burdensome? Did his talk with Gandalf cause this? If so, why-or better yet- how? What has he to do with Gandalf that requires so much thought and burden?

You sigh, standing up from your chair. Thought requires tea. Maybe Frodo just needs a cuppa. A nice cuppa usually tames his thoughts. It should be no different now. So, you set off to the kitchen to make a cuppa.

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You place the cuppa on the table next to Frodo's chair. You can practically see the gears turning in his head. Sighing, you place a hand on his shoulder, causing him to jump.

"Frodo, what's got you so unsettlingly silent?" you ask. He groans, rubbing his face with his hands. "Nothing for you to worry over, dear," he replies. You frown deeply. If he's so concerned over it, then you should at least know what he's so concerned about.

"Frodo, I am your wife and I would like to know what's causing my husband to be so stressed." You cross your arms. Frodo looks blankly at the floor.

"A Ring," Frodo says. You cock an eyebrow. "Why is this Ring so concerning?" you ask. He sighs. "It's the Ring. Of Sauron. And it has to be destroyed. In Mount Doom," Frodo says. Your eyes widen. "That's what this is about? That's worse than what I was thinking," you say.

Frodo finally looks at you. "What were you thinking it was?" he asks. You sigh, a little embarrassed. "I thought you were either thinking of leaving me or just worried about Bilbo. I didn't realise it could be anything this serious," you say.

"Well, that's it; I would have to leave you. Of course not in divorce, but to destroy the Ring. You won't know when to expect me home. I may never return home, and that is not something I want you to dwell on," Frodo says. You furrow your brows, sitting in your chair.

"Why couldn't I go with you?" you ask. Frodo shakes his head. "I can't risk you getting in danger as well. Just by simply having this Ring is a risk," Frodo says. You slump, sighing deeply.

"Are you going to go?" you ask. Frodo nods. "I have to," he replies. You frown. "I love you. Just remember that. I must begin packing. Sam's going with me, so if he shows up, let him in please," Frodo says.

You scoff. Why is Sam the gardener going and not you? Frodo hears this and sighs. He turns to you, seeing the disappointment in your face.

"Alright, you can come too. I suppose you'd be lonely without me. And Sam's good company, but he's not you," Frodo says.

You smile slightly. "Thank you, Frodo," you say. Frodo puts his hands on your shoulders. "Just remember, this is a huge risk. Our lives are on the line. If I lose you, this journey will be hard more so than it already is," Frodo says.

You nod, placing your hands on his cheeks. "Let's get packing," you say. Frodo smiles. "Let's."

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