Alone in Fear

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What? I couldn't get that word to come out of my mouth. It feels as though the world around me has come to a stop and it isn't going to start moving again anytime soon, if at all.

"There was an accident at the station..." Nancy goes on to say how she was waiting for them at a nearby restaurant when heard the crash, and she ran to the station to see the train on fire. At least I think that's what she says, but her words seem to fade, and it was like I wasn't hearing anything at all.

"It was horrifying, Susan. Peter and Edmund were at that station and the rest of the friends of Narnia were all on that train," she cries. I just stand with my mouth hanging open and unable to move. It was as though I once again had no control over my own body.

"What was it you feared most? Was it not that one day everyone you hold dear would be gone and you would be left all alone in this cold world, I guess that day has finally come." Jadis says and I could hear the laughter in her voice. Her words make it seem like Nancy was just telling me about the nice weather outside and not about how my family was now...

"No!" I say taking short, uneven breaths while my hands shake I guess that day has finally come. I move away from the door feeling icy tears escaping my eyes, as I try to regulate my breathing. "It's not true, it can't be true!" I start pacing

"Susan!" Nancy gets in my way to block my path. "I watched the firemen rescuing the survivors, hoping I would recognize one of them. I didn't." She cries "I heard a man in the crowd say it was unlikely that anyone in the first four cars were still alive and... Those on the platform didn't have a chance of survival." She adds the last in a whisper. I look past her to the doorway still expecting my siblings to be there and put an end to Nancy's cruel joke and tell me that they'd found a way to save me from the witch?

"No," I move away from her, heading towards my front door before turning back to face Nancy. "They were safe at the station. Peter said they'd come back here afterwards and that they'd find a way to save me from her!" I cry as my heart races like the train that Nancy's lying about. At least, it should be a lie.

"They're not there, Susan!"

"Why do you keep saying that? You know very well they're not dead, they're probably just outside, waiting for me."

"The imposter's right. You're all alone now," Jadis taunts me, as I see no sign of any of my siblings.

"I'm not lying, Susan. They're asking for people to come help identify the bodies soon. I went to your parent's, but they were out, and I can't go by myself, I just - I can't," Nancy paused, closing her eyes and seeming to hold back a sob. She took a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. "Please. I know you love them too, no matter what you've said in the past. I'm hoping as much as you are that they survived, but we can't know until we check. Come with me?" I stare at her and see that means it, even if she is wrong.

"Alright we'll go. Only so I can prove to you that they'er not dead!" I answer her before bolting out the door dragging her alone with me.

"Susan, not so fast!" I hear Nancy say as we reach the stairs though I don't slow. I have to get to the station before the witch regains control. I tell myself as we bolt out of the building and onto the streets of London. There are clouds of faded smoke from a recent fire in the same direction as the train station. Of course, the smoke could be coming from a number of different buildings and not the station.

It can't be from the station. I tell myself thinking how I saw Peter and Edmund walking down this street earlier to meet the others at that station and now they're waiting for me.I let go of Nancy and start running.

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