Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

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I won't leave you hanging that badly. :) I'll wrap it up here, before summer starts. Plus, I really wanted to write my take on the beginning of "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," hence the interlude title.

Anyway, here, Jack reruns to his team, but he will see the Apocalypse again VERY soon. One of the earliest promises I made in this series was that there would be MUCH more Jack. That will definitely be enforced here, in this book especially.


"Haven't we done this once before?" the Apocalypse couldn't help but ask as they leaned against a railing in Cardiff, overlooking the Plass at night.

Jack just chuckled. "Under very different circumstances."

"You've got that right."

Jack looked over at her, his smile fading. "You going to be all right?"

"I'm always all right," she answered automatically.

Jack groaned. "Calypsie - "

"I will be," she nodded. "And if I need you, I'll call . . . but only if you do the same with me."

Jack paused, then nodded. "Deal." He kissed her cheek, the Apocalypse doing the same to him. "Be careful."

"Aren't I always?" she asked innocently.

Jack just laughed and gave her a sharp salute before darting between the rails and running across the Plass. He paused by the water tower and turned to look behind him. The Apocalypse was still there, her black cardigan blowing in the breeze. She smiled and lifted a hand to wave. Jack waved back, then stood on the entrance to the Hub.

One step inside, and he knew he'd missed something. No one was around, so he quickly ran to check his computer. He took a quick look, then sighed. "Bloody hell . . . "


A Black Rover drove up to an old woman staring down the street in shock. Gwen Cooper lowered her window and asked, "Excuse me, have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car?" The woman just pointed. "Thank you," Gwen nodded, and the car drove off.

"Species not on record," Toshiko Sato reported as Owen Harper concentrated on the road. "DNA type says some sort of land fish."

"All I'm saying is you are speeding, and there are children," Gwen warned Owen.

"Well, if kids are out at midnight, they've got it coming," Owen snorted.

"Detecting high levels of algae," Tosh continued.

Gwen sighed. 'Who's afraid of the big scary fish, then?" she mocked.

"Big fish with a gun," Owen pointed out.

"Special weapons?" Ianto Jones asked.

"Not that I can see," Tosh answered.

"Do we need special weapons?"

"What are we gonna do when we catch it?" Owen added.

"Jack would know," Tosh answered.

Owen darkened. "Yeah, well, Jack's not here, is he?" he snapped. "Jack's disappeared. Fat lot of good Jack is."

"Blowfish!" Gwen cried as the sports car came into view ahead of them.

"Hold on," Owen warned, then stepped on the accelerator. They weaved after the sports car, then Owen looked at Gwen. "Hold the wheel."

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