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And here's where this book ends. :( Then it's on to the 10 Specials, and we say goodbye to Leven and meet our 11th Apocalypse. I'm telling you, I'm excited to see reactions on who 11 is. :)

Here's the epilogue: the entire family together.


"Guessing that means you'll be off, again," Gwen rolled her eyes as they gathered at the railing overlooking the Plass.

"Well, sure," Jack gave her a wide-eyed look. "I just got my little sis back and finally met my niece. I have to spend some quality time with them."

"We'll bring him back in one piece," Jenny teased.

"Oh, ye of little faith."

"Well, I was born a few months back."

"Calsie," Owen turned to look at her. "What you said back on the TARDIS . . . you called us your family."

"Yeah," the Apocalypse nodded. "So I did." She frowned. "Is that all right?"

"That's brilliant," Owen grinned."It's just - "

"No excuses, Owen," the Apocalypse shook her head. "Jack thinks of you as family, too. Of course I do."

"We've quadrupled since back when," Rose noted.

"That means a lot," Tosh smiled. "With our work and everything, not much time for anything else."

"Rule 408," the Apocalypse smirked. "Waste time when you don't have any. Time isn't the boss of you."

"Thanks," Owen took Tosh's hand.

"Well," the Apocalypse clapped her hands together. "We'll head off. We'll bring Jack in one piece, and then maybe we'll all spin off together soon, how about that?"

"We'll remember that," Ianto pointed to her.

"I'd be disappointed if you didn't," the Apocalypse teased as she led her crew back to the TARDIS.

Inside, Jenny bounced up to the Apocalypse. "Where are we going?" she asked eagerly. "Another planet?"

"Nah," the Apocalypse shook her head, cracking her knuckles. "I've got something else in mind."

"What is it?" Rose asked just as eagerly, running up to the console with Jack.

"I'm looking around this room, and I see one thing," the Apocalypse leaned against the console, smiling at them all. "I'm looking at one big family . . . and what's one of the biggest family holidays of all time?"

Jack's eyes widened. "You are kidding me."

"Let's avoid the Host this holiday season, Jack," the Apocalypse winked.

"No way!" Jack laughed. "Christmas?"

"Christmas!" the Apocalypse whooped. "Not only that, but Christmas in the past!"

"Yes!" Rose cheered. "Oh, my God, yes!"

"What's Christmas?" Jenny blinked.

"Oh, my daughter, you have much to learn," the Apocalypse winked. "Let's find out, why don't we?" She flipped a lever, and they were all catapulted forward into the console as the TARDIS took off. "Tylers and Harknesses," she beamed at them. "All in the TARDIS, just as it should be. Next stop, everywhere."

Rose laughed in glee as the TARDIS soared, taking the family into the past for a Christmas they would never forget.


To be continued in Book 5!

 . . . where you will see everyone I mentioned surviving. :P Come on, guys, I said at least one. You should know me by now. I would never part Jack from his beloved Ianto. Although, I did with J . . . hopefully Alice won't be so bad, either.

But this concludes Book 4! Please tell me what you enjoyed, what you disliked, what I could do to make it more enjoyable.

And a small teaser of my take on "The Next Doctor" . . . who remembers "The Next Doctor" for "Ending of the Hours?" All I can say . . . }:) And all you guys should know who else is popping up towards the end.

It will be a very eventful book, so please be patient while I work on updating my other books before I get to work on the next one. The 10 Specials are all quite lengthy, and I have pretty much all of "Children of Earth" to rewrite, so it'll be a long haul.

Until then, my friends!

 ~ WB039

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