The Fires of Pompeii

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Yay, an update!! A few notes before we begin.

1: I'm so glad everyone liked the inside look on the parallel world. We will definitely see more of Rose in here before she's "officially" back during "Turn Left" . . . and boy, is that one going to be a heartbreaker!

2: In case you've forgotten, *** means scene break. +++ shows a flashback, and they're italicizes, r

2: We're up to 56 comments out of 120! Remember, I need 120 by the end of "The Apocalypse's Daughter" because that will mark the halfway point. I know you guys can get there. ;) Besides . . . the more comments I get, the faster I update. :)

Now, what do the prophets and soothsayers have to say to the Apocalypse in Pompeii? Or, more importantly, how does she react to the situation she's in?

Here's "The Fires of Pompeii!"


The Apocalypse poked her head out of the TARDIS and grinned, seeing where they'd landed. "Ancient Rome!" she told Donna, holding her arms out as they entered the street market. "Well, not for them, obviously," she amended. "To all intents and purposes, right now, this is brand new Rome."

"Oh, my God," Donna gasped, looking around. "It's . . . it's so . . . Roman! This is fantastic!"

"Ha ha!" the Apocalypse whooped, giving her a hug when Donna offered it.

"I'm here, in Rome!" Donna continued to talk, her ginger hair whipping this way and that as she looked around. "Donna Noble, in Rome. This is just weird! I mean, everyone here's dead!"

"Well, don't tell them that!" the Apocalypse admonished.

"Hold on a minute," Donna scowled, pointing. "That sign over there's in English. Are you having me on? Are we in Epcot?"

"No, no, no, no," the Apocalypse shook her head. "That's the TARDIS translation circuits. Just makes it look like English, speech as well." She poked Donna in the shoulder. "You're talking Latin right now."

Donna stared at her. "Seriously?"

"Mmmhmm," the Apocalypse grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"I just said 'seriously' in Latin?"

"Oh, yeah."

"What if I said something in actual Latin, like veni vidi vici?" Donna wondered. "My dad said that when he came back from football. If I said veni vidi vici to that lot, what would it sound like?"

The Apocalypse scratched her head, frowning. That was . . . actually a very good question. "I'm not sure," she admitted with a huff. "You have to think of difficult questions, don't you?"

"I'm going to try it," Donna decided, marching up to a vender.

"Afternoon, sweetheart," he smiled. "What can I get you, my love?"

"Er . . . " Donna looked back at the Apocalypse, who nodded encouragingly. "Veni vidi vici."

The vender blinked. "Huh? Sorry?" He spoke slower then. "Me no speak Celtic. No can do, missy."

"Yeah," Donna held out, walking back to the Apocalypse before glaring at her. "How's he mean, Celtic?"

"Welsh," the Apocalypse sniggered. "You sound Welsh." Donna continued to glare at her, and the Apocalypse quickly cleared her throat and turned away, cracking her knuckles. "There we are! Learn something new every day."

"Don't our clothes look a bit odd?" Donna wondered as they walked down the street.

"Nah," the Apocalypse grinned. "Ancient Rome, anything goes. It's like Soho, but bigger."

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