Silence in the Library

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87 of 200 down, guys, and the last two-parter before the finale episodes. :) Keep rolling!

Also, in my news, I've got a new DW series rolling . . . and it is NOT a Doctor/OC! :D I've started "The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady," and everyone is unanimous - my OC is officially adorable and/or the cutest they've ever seen. They all love the Doctor's daughter. I would absolutely love it if you checked the series out. The first book is called "Bad Wolf," and it will be under its own reading list, "The Diaries of a Teenage Time Lady." I promise you won't be disappointed. :)

Anyway . . . the Apocalypse and Donna take a trip to the Library and find not just one, but two surprises. How does the Apocalypse react to River? How does River react in general?

Here's "Silence in the Library!"


The Apocalypse sighed as she landed the TARDIS, smiling to herself. She'd chosen a destination that would nearly tie into where they had just been. "Books," she told the ginger. "People never really stop loving books." She stepped outside, showing Donna the large room outside, shelves of books on the walls. "51st century. By now, you've got holovids, direct to downloads, fiction mist, but you need the smell. The smell of books, Donna. Deep breath."

Donna took a whiff, and the Apocalypse led her out onto the marble balcony. "The Library. So big, it doesn't need a name. Just a great big 'The.'"

"It's like a city!" Donna looked out across the massive library.

"It's a world," the Apocalypse said. "Literally, a world. The whole core of the planet is the index computer. Biggest hard drive ever. And up here, every book ever written. Whole continents of Jeffrey Archer, Bridget Jones, Monty Python's Big Red Book . . . brand new editions, specially printed. We're near the equator, so this must be biographies. I love biographies."

"Yeah, very you," Donna rolled her eyes. "Always a death at the end."

"You need a good death," the Apocalypse shrugged, her smile fading slightly. "Without death, there'd only be comedies. Dying gives us size."


"This is Emergency Program One," she told Rose. "Rose, now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing: we must be in danger, and I mean fatal. I'm dead, or about to die any second with no chance of escape."

"No!" Rose shouted, shaking her head, tears filling her eyes so the image of her older sister was blurred. No, that couldn't be happening!

"And that's OK," the Apocalypse said calmly. "Hope it's a good death."


She was brought back when she saw Donna picking up a book. "Way-a!" she grabbed it from her. "Spoilers!"

"What?" Donna blinked.

"These books are from your future," the Apocalypse reminded her. "You don't want to read ahead. Spoil all the surprises. Like peeking at the end."

"Isn't traveling with you one big spoiler?" Donna quirked an eyebrow.

"I try to keep away from major plot developments," the Apocalypse said airily, making Donna snort. "Which, to be honest, I seem to be very bad at," she finished, giving Donna a look. "Because you know what? This is the biggest library in the universe. So where is everyone? It's silent."

"The library?" Donna asked, looking around as the Apocalypse used her sonic screwdriver on a screen.

"The planet," she shook her head. "The whole planet."

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