Journey's Beginning

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My day was nearly ruined by an argument among us principal players in the orchestra. I think one of them's going a bit too far in accusing our orchestra director of being the source of our problems. Thank God for the 2nd violin principal player for settling it all. I mean, accusing our teacher of not being mentally stable enough to teach? The concertmaster and I are getting a bit worried.

So, can you make me smile and give me loads of comments? That would help a lot.

By the way, who likes the title change? ;) I suppose that gives away the ending, but what about the long journey there?

Here's "Journey's Beginning!"


The TARDIS suddenly starting humming loudly, and Rose ducked her face into Jack's shoulder as the TARDIS console opened. The Apocalypse twisted, and her regeneration energy suddenly flew into the heart of the TARDIS, burning off. When the regeneration cut off, the Apocalypse stumbled away . . . looking exactly the same. She panted, hands on her knees, as the TARDIS console snapped shut. "OK," she brushed her hands off. "Now, then . . . where were we?"

Rose stared at her, stunned, as Owen gawked openly at her. "What the hell was that?" he blurted.


"Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Sarah Jane brought her hands up, as if to ward off the incoming shots, when she heard two sizzles of energy on either side of the car. The Daleks were shot with energy, making them explode, and Sarah Jane got out, gasping when she saw the black man on the driver's side. "Mickey?"

"Us Smiths got to stick together," he smiled at her.

"Jackie Tyler, Rose's mum," the blonde on the other side told her. "Now, where the hell is my daughter?"


Gwen gestured for Ianto to stop shooting the Dalek when she realized the bullets were hanging in midair. Gwen's eyes widened, and she slowly walked forward, poking one of the bullets. "What the hell?"


"There, now," the Apocalypse patted the TARDIS console, smiling. "See? Little something the Time Lords gave the Experiments. Once a regeneration cycle, you're able to use your regeneration to heal yourself, then burn it off elsewhere, as long as there was a host nearby. I didn't need to change. Why would I? Look at me?" she did a twirl, and Rose couldn't help but smile. "So, to stop the energy going all the way, I siphoned off the rest into the heart of the TARDIS. Always looking after me, this girl," she stroked the rotor, making the TARDIS hum. She turned to Rose, tilting her head. "What do you think?"

"You're still you?" Rose asked, just to make sure.

"I'm still me," she promised with a wide grin.

Rose leapt forward, hugging her tightly. The Apocalypse laughed, squeezing her hard, then turned. "Where's my girl?"

"Mum!" Jenny ran to her.

The Apocalypse hugged her next. "Oh, you are gorgeous," she beamed, looking her over. "But, how? You died."

"Yeah, I know," Jenny nodded. "The cycle wasn't done."

"Fifteen hours, yeah?" Rose asked.

The Apocalypse's eyes widened, and she smacked herself in the forehead. "Stupid Apocalypse!"

"You are not stupid," Jack chastised. "Now, I want to meet my niece properly."

Jenny grinned and hugged him. "Right, Rose, few people to meet," the Apocalypse took her hand. "Dr. Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato. They work with Jack at Torchwood."

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