The Stolen Earth

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Spinoff. That's all I'm saying. After that stunt, Moffat, we need a spinoff.

*coughs* Anyway, first part of the finale! 188 comments, Rose and Jenny hop back to the right universe, and twenty-seven planets are missing. Sounds like a wonderful time for a family reunion, right?

Here's "The Stolen Earth!"


The moment the TARDIS landed back on Earth, the Apocalypse burst out to see everything looked completely normal. "It's fine," she said in disbelief. "Everything's fine. Nothing's wrong. All fine. Excuse me!" she shouted to a milkman. "What day is it?"

"Saturday," he answered in confusion.

"Saturday," the Apocalypse nodded absently as Donna stepped out, seeming stunned herself, but not by where they were. "Good. Good. I like Saturdays."

"So, I just met Rose Tyler?" Donna asked for clarification.

"Yeah," the Apocalypse smiled just at the name.

"But she's locked away in a parallel world."

"Exactly," the Apocalypse nodded. "If she can cross from her parallel world to your parallel world, then that means the walls of the universes are breaking down, which puts everything in danger. Everything. But . . . how?"

Donna followed her back into the TARDIS, still surprised by this revelation. "The thing is, Apocalypse, no matter what's happening, and I'm sure it's bad, I get that, but . . . Rose is coming back. Isn't that good?"

The Apocalypse's grin could have powered Manhattan. "Yeah."

Something sparked on the console, and the TARDIS shuddered violently. "What the hell was that?" Donna blinked when she regained her footing.

"Don't know," the Apocalypse frowned, going to the door. "It came from outside - "

She opened the door and did a double take, seeing space outside. Donna joined her, her eyes widening. "But . . . we're in space," she looked around. "How did that happen? What did you do?"

The Apocalypse hurried to check the scanner, then shook her head in confusion. "We haven't moved. We're fixed. It can't have . . . no," she frowned. "The TARDIS is still in the same place, but the Earth has gone. The entire planet, it's gone."


"Give me a sit rep right now. Confirm all stations still online. Can anyone hear me? Have we got contact with UNIT base Geneva?"

Martha Jones sat up from where she was lying on the floor, blinking dazedly. "What was that?" she looked around. "Was it some sort of earthquake, or . . . Jalandra, you all right?"

"Yeah," her coworker answered. "I'm OK."

"Is anyone hurt?" Martha checked the others. "We've lost power. Someone get the lights back on. DaCosta, see to it right now. Suzanne? Are you OK?"

Suzanne swallowed from where she was looking out the window. "Martha, look at the sky."

"Why? What is it?"

"Just look at the sky!"

Frowning, Martha went to check.


"Whoa!" Jack sat up, shaking his head. "What happened? Was it the Rift?" He stood up, looking around. "Gwen? Ianto?" he called. "Owen? Tosh?"

"No broken bones," Owen checked himself over. "Slight loss of dignity."

"No chance there, then," Ianto quipped.

"The whole of the city must've felt that," Gwen got to her feet. "The whole of South Wales."

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