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My father was not from this world. He came from a different planet called Earth. From what my adoptive father, Jake told me, my father came here with him when the Sky People first tried to take over Pandora, to mine a rare ore that would make them rich.

But we all know how that went down. Jake and my dad realized that the Na'vi were not the enemy, and as Jake and my father spent time with the Na'vi as spies, it became clear who the Sky People really were. So they helped the Na'vi kick the Sky People out of their home, and peace was restored, but not without great sacrifices. The Vitraya Ramunong, the Tree of Souls, was destroyed, so many Na'vi died to rid themselves of the sky people. Among them, my father. And if it wasn't for him, Jake would be-


I opened my eyes and looked under the tree I was resting on. I let out a slow, calming breath and lowered myself down from the branch I was on, careful not to alert whoever, or whatever, made the noise.

I landed silently, and whatever it was didn't seem to notice me, just as Jake and Neytiri taught me, we can't be to careful now that the Sky People have returned. I took out my bow from its resting spot on my back and notched an arrow into it.

I drew back the bow, aiming for the shrubs where the snap was, heart pounding in my ear, ready for anything. I hear quiet footsteps behind me, my ears flick, I could practically smell it up behind me.

At the last possible second, I whirled around only to miss my shot. I could only see a flash of blue as I then threw my bow to disorient my foe, who was seemed to have Na'vi characteristics, but the adrenaline was already going, so I swept the legs of my attacker, pulled out my knife and pinned them down to the ground.

After a few moments my adrenaline wore off and I saw my opponent.

Lo'ak: Damn, seems you're getting better at this.

Y/n: Well, When you keep attacking me the same way every time, it gets predictable.

Lo'ak: Then I guess I need to change my strategy. Anyways, Dad wanted me to find you and tell you that we're going for another raid.

Y/n: Well what are we waiting for then? Don't want to keep Jake waiting, do we?

Lo'ak: Well said, you coming with?

Y/n: Sure, I was getting lonely out here anyways.

We called our Banshees and took flight to the Hallelujah Mountains. About 3/4 the way through, Lo'ak spoke up.

Lo'ak: Soooo, Y/n...

Y/n: Lo'ak, I swear to Eywa...

Lo'ak: cmon, y/n, I'm sure she must feel something towards you.

Y/n: Lo'ak, I've already told you I don't like kiri in that way.

Lo'ak: Oh come ON, y/n, I see the way your eyes light up when she's around. I see how when she's not looking, you just stare at her, those eyes never blinking. It's kind of creepy...

Y/n: No no no no no, I do not think of her like that, she is my best friend and only that, ok?

Lo'ak: Tell that to her, I'm sure she would be disappointed.

I could feel a hint of blush on my cheeks, but as I was about to retaliate, the conversation had to be cut short, to my relief, as we had arrived at the Hallelujah Mountains, our home.

We landed and hopped off our Banshees, and from the look I saw in Jakes face, we were in for a scolding.

Jake: Where the hell were you guys!? You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago!

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