Causing Problems

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I awoke from my sleeping spot, which I had to admit was even comfier than my old spot. I got up from my bed and grabbed my knife, stowing it around my waist. I exited my new tent home and looked around. I noticed some of the Metkayina around me doing their own thing. I walked for awhile until I saw the 3 teens from before talking with each other in the water. I saw Lo'ak staring at them from a distance, probably looking at the girl. He notices me and turns toward me.

Lo'ak: Im thinking we should learn how to swim first.

I smirk at him.

Y/n: Or maybe you just want to go talk to that girl.

Lo'ak looked flustered to retorted.

Lo'ak: Do you want me to call Kiri over here?

???: For what?

I turned to see Kiri.

Y/n: Well- umm... We were just-

Lo'ak: We were wondering if you wanted to join us in some swimming lessons.

Kiri: Swimming, huh? Alright, when do we start?

With that we walked over to the water and dove in. We started following the three teens. After a little while of swimming, they made some hand signs to us underwater. We looked at each other then shrugged at them. They shook their heads and we continued on, until we had no more air in our lungs. We went up and broke water, the other teens soon behind.

???: Why do they go up?

???: They must not be used to the water.

And they dove back down, with us soon in tow. We continued swimming for a little while before I felt a tugging on my hand. I looked to see it was Kiri and she was motioning to follow her. I just looked at her, confused. She just shook her head and smiled at me. She then turned around and playfully hit me with her tail, then she swam away. I smiled and followed after her. We swam together for a while, through reefs and schools of oddly but pretty colored fish and other sea-life. We kept swimming until we came across this giant overlook, where all we can see for miles were all different sea fauna, as well as coral in all the weird shapes. I turned to see Kiri with her eyes locked on the sight before us. I see her close her eyes and tilt her head up some, as if she was feeling the environment itself. I admit, I felt more connected to the world, to Eywa than I had ever felt before. After we floated there for a moment we finally went up for air.

Y/n: Wow... that was...

Kiri: Beautiful... did you feel it?

Y/n: What?

Kiri: I felt her, Y/n. Eywa. I don't know how to describe it. She was just... there.

Y/n: No... I felt it too...

I thought for a second.

Y/n: Do you remember that time in the forest, before we found the lab?

Kiri: O-Oh! Ummmm....

Kiri Goes red and her eyes dart around. I had almost forgotten about our little moment.

Y/n: N-No, no not that. It was before that, when you were still asleep.

She looked back at me with a confusing look.

Y/n: I know there were woodsprites around you. I was going to ask you about them, but I haven't found the right time up until now.

Kiri: Oh... well...

Y/n: You remember when I said I pushed Lo'ak out of the way from the missile during the raid against the train?

Avatar: The Chosen Book 1 | A Kiri x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now