A New Home

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I awoke right where I fell asleep, staring out of the cave exit. I tried to get up but noticed more weight than usual on my right side. I turned to see Kiri, still asleep and softly snoring with her head on my shoulder. I gently shook her awake, as much as I didn't want to. Kiri's eyes sleepily bat open and she rubs them. She sits up straight and lets out the cutest yawn.

Kiri: Hmmm... Morning Y/n...

Y/n: Good morning, Sleepy Head. Was my shoulder comfortable enough for you?

Kiri: Yeah, you were warm...

She then wraps her arms around my torso and snuggles back up against me, my attempt to fluster her backfiring. My face goes red as I hold my hands in the air, not knowing where to put them. I then notice Jake approaching me. He stops in front of me and takes in the scene of Kiri and I.

Jake: .........She looks comfortable.

Y/n: Yeah, I- ummmm....

I stumbled for words, I didn't know what to do or say. Jake just smiles at us.

Jake: We're heading to the Ocean People, the Metkayina. We leave in 15.

My eyes widen a little at the mention of the ocean, and nod at him. With that he turns around and walks off to tell the others in the family. I sit and decide if I should wake her up or just keep her there. I decided to do the latter, and slowly wrapped one arm across her back. 5 minutes wouldn't hurt. But I found that I couldn't sleep, so I just looked at Kiri, all snuggled against my body. About seven minutes had passed before I finally woke her up. We got up and went our seperate ways to prepare. I started by going over to my tent to pack anything essential: food, my waterskin, 2 extra loincloths. I set them on my bed and grabbed a leather pack to put them in. I was about to leave the tent, until I remembered something. I turned around and grabbed my fathers knife, examining the light steel weapon and flipping it in my hand a few times. I set it on my belt and left the tent to prepare my Odaahving for the long flight.

After I mounted up, I led him to where the others were. We have one final goodbye to the Omatikaya and wished the new tribe leader good luck. After that we went to the cliff edge, each of us on a banshee, except for Kiri, she rode with me. With Jake leading us, we all took off following him. A little while into the flight, Kiri speaks up to me.

Kiri: Hey, how you holding up?

Y/n: I'm alright. Just wish Spider was still here with us.

Kiri: I mean about that guy, the one in the forest?

Y/n: Oh...

Kiri: I heard him say some stuff about your dad. The look you had in your eyes when you were on top of him... you scared me, for a second...

Y/n: I'd rather not talk about it.

Kiri: Did you mean what you said to him? Are you really going to try to kill him?

I got a little angry, and I snapped my head backwards towards her.

Y/n: Kiri, I said I don't want to talk about it!

Kiri: O-oh... ok...

Kiri then looked down and said nothing. I saw Lo'ak and Neteyam glance at each other. Kiri started to fall asleep on my back, but I just let her be, I felt bad for snapping at her earlier.It was mostly quiet for the rest of the ride.

Timeskip: Metkayina Village

It seemed we have arrived at the village, or were somewhere close to it, because I saw these weird colored Na'vi I had never seen before. I turned my head behind me to see Kiri asleep, gently snoring on my back.

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