The Spirit Tree

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When I awoke from my sleep, I wasn't in my sleeping spot anymore. Where was I? I looked around me and noticed I was surrounded by trees with purple leaves, branches sprouting in every direction.

 Where was I? I looked around me and noticed I was surrounded by trees with purple leaves, branches sprouting in every direction

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(Just imagine a forest full of these trees)

They weren't like the broad, thick trees we had back when we lived in the forest. This was some place different. I sat up and started to look around. From what I could see, the only thing besides the trees was a clearing at the exit of the forest, but I couldn't really tell because the closer I got, it seemed a wall of light became brighter, obscuring my vision of the clearing, like I wasn't allowed to know what was ahead of me yet. I kept walking forward until I was in front of the exit out of the forest and at the entrance to the clearing ahead. The light had grown so immense it was practically a wall of light. Through the wall I saw a figure walk up, only their silhouette could be seen. When they spoke, they spoke in a voice I haven't heard in a while, ever since the day of the raid to be exact.

Dad: Y/n... never forget who you are...

Y/n: More riddles..? Please, father... what is the point of this? What is Eywa's plan for me? For Kiri?

Dad puts his hand on the wall of light, and I mimic my hand to do the same.

Dad: Y/n... this is bigger than just Eywa.

Y/n: What..?! What do you mean? What else could there be besides Eywa??

But dad said nothing after that. He just stood there.

Dad: You have to open your eyes, Y/n. Wake up. Wake up!!

???: Wake up!

My eyes practically flew open and I sat up in a panic, drawing in deep and heavy breaths. I turned to see Kiri was right beside me, and she she put a hand on my shoulder.

Kiri: It's ok, Y/n. It was just a nightmare.

I took a few moment to recover from that... vision I just had. Then I looked at her and shook my head.

Y/n: No. Not a nightmare. A vision.

Kiri tilted her head inquisitively.

Y/n: I was in this weird forest, all the leaves on the trees were purple and the branches spread everywhere, in all different directions. I kept walking through the forest until I was at what I thought was a clearing, but I couldn't tell because there was a wall of light that seemed to get brighter when I walked up to it. I saw a silhouette walk up on the other side. It was my dad.

Kiri: Was it another sign from Eywa?

Y/n: I... I don't know. He said that I shouldn't forget who I am, and when I asked what Eywa has planned for us, he said that... He said it was bigger than just Eywa.

Kiri looked down and processed what I just said.

Kiri: Bigger than Eywa? So then what does all of this mean?

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