Old Enemies

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I awoke from my sleeping spot and walked outside to say hello to my Banshee.

Y/n: Good morning, Odaahving.

Odaahving growls in response as I throw him some meat for a snack. He chomps it down and I move on to find Lo'ak, Kiri, and Spider all huddled together. I squeezed into the huddle, wondering what they were doing.

Y/n: And what are you guys doing huddled together?

Lo'ak: We were thinking we should have a little break today, so we want to go explore some of the forest. You want to come with us?

Spider: Of course he does, Kiri's coming.

I shot Spider a look and shook my head.

Y/n: Well, I had nothing planned anyways, when do we leave?

???: Leave for where? Can I come?

We exit the huddle and looked to see Tuk. I walked up and crouched down to her level.

Y/n: Sorry, Tuk, you can't come with us, we're going on, umm, a mission, from Jake and Neytiri.

Tuk: Aw, why can't I come..?

Lo'ak: Because they said it was a special mission, and only we could go.

Tuk narrowed her eyes at us.

Tuk: Well maybe I can go ask Momma and Papa if I can go!

All of us exchanged glances with each other.

Spider: Ok fine, you can come! Just don't tell Neytiri or Jake, ok?

Tuk smiled and nodded.

Kiri was already starting to walk out on a root that led out from the base.

Kiri: What are we waiting for guys? Let's go!

With that, we all left the base to go explore the forest.

Timeskip: The Forest

After we walked for what seemed to be an hour in the forest, I noticed that Kiri wasn't walking with us anymore.

Y/n: Hey, guys hold up.

Spider, Lo'ak, and Tuk stopped and looked at me.

Y/n: Where'd Kiri go?

Spider: I don't know, she was right behind us a minute ago.

Y/n: Alright, I'll look for her.

Spider gave me this sly look and smirked.

Spider: If you insist. We'll be waiting right here.

Tuk walked in front of me and raised her arms up.

Tuk: I want to look for Kiri too!

I smiled at her and bent down so she could climb on my back.

Y/n: Well we better get looking then.

I departed from Spider and Lo'ak with Tuk on my back. I walked for a little while before I spotted Kiri. She was laying on the ground and- wait are those woodsprites around her? I observed her through the bushes for a little while, it was kind of cute. After a while I left my spot from the bushes and went up to her, the woodsprites floating away as I approached. Did she have to do with what father told me? This is all so confusing. I crouched down next to Kiri and shook her gently. Her eyes fluttered open.

Kiri: mmm... hm? Oh.. hey Y/n.

She sat up and stretched her arms out.

Kiri: What happened? Did I go to far from you guys?

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