The End...?

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POV Change: Y/n

I walked out from the shadows, I felt the rage swell within me as I kept the gun trained on Quaritch, who was still writhing on the ground.

Kiri: Y/n..? What did you do?

I looked at her and she had the same look of fear on her eyes as before. I dropped the gun and backed up.

Y/n: No... No, no, no... I didn't mean to... I- I just...

I tried stepping towards Kiri, but she took a step back towards Jake.

Y/n: Kiri, he was going to kill you.

Kiri: No, he was letting me go. He was surrendering, and you shot him.

I looked down at Quaritch. Should I have shot him? Was it the right thing to do? Another explosion rocked the ship, and we all found something to hold on too.

Jake: It doesn't matter right now. What does is getting off this ship, and I don't think anyone here wants to go down with it. Now come on.

Jake walked over to the moon pool, and we followed suite. Before we got there, however, the ship had another explosion, causing it to start sinking. We all tried to run towards the moon pool, but the ship kept going down. I tried to hold on to something, but my hands could only grab air. I fell until I hit water so hard, I passed out.


???: Wake up! Y/n, Y/n wake up!

I opened my eyes to see Neteyam trying to wake me up, snapping in front of me. He was about to start slapping me, but I quickly sat up before he could.

Y/n: Ok, damn! I'm awake!

Neteyam: Y/n! We thought you were dead!

I got up and looked around to see Lo'ak, Tuk, and Kiri. Kiri ran up and hugged me. I hugged her back.

Kiri: You have to stop all these close calls with death, you keep scaring me.

Y/n: I'm sorry Kiri. Death just keeps following me.

Kiri: Just try being more careful, Ok?

Y/n: Don't worry, Kiri. I'm not going anywhere without you.

Lo'ak: Hey! Hate to break up the love fest, but we have to go!

I quickly pecked Kiri on the lips then turned back to Lo'ak.

Y/n: Right. Let's find a way off this ship.

We then ran down corridor after corridor, trying every door to see if it was a way off the ship, but it was to no avail. Either the doors were locked, or the doors led towards other rooms. We kept going and going, endless hallway after endless hallway. We kept going until we were about to turn a corner, and then I stopped short. There were voices on the other side. One of them was Quaritch. Shit, the Recoms caught up with us! I turned back to the others and put a finger to my lips and lowered my voice to a whisper.

Y/n: Recoms are here. We need to hurry.

They nodded at me and we picked up the pace searching for a door that would lead outside. We kept going door after door until we heard a voice speak up.

???: Hey! They're over there! Stop!

I turned around and got behind cover just as he started shooting at us. I saw the others doing the same, with Kiri getting in cover with me. She put her hand in mine and squeezed and I looked at her. She was looking right back. I gave a nod of certainty then turned to the rest.

Y/n: Ok, we need to get out of here, or we're going down with the rest of the ship.

Lo'ak: How? The Sky People are right on our asses.

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