Calling for Help

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What happened after Tuk woke me up was a blur, but I remember grabbing Kiri and dragging her with me back to our Ilus. I remember strapping my legs to the Ilu as I held on as tight as I could to Kiri. I remember how much fear I felt. I had never felt such a way in my life. We all took off underwater back to the village as fast as we could. When we arrived, I went straight to the town center. Where everyone ran out to see what was going on. I had been carrying Kiri bridal style.


Jake came rushing forward.

Jake: What the hell happened to her?!

Y/n: I don't know! Tsireya went to show us their Spirit Tree, and we all connected with it. I don't know what happened after, but Tuk pulled me from the tree and the next thing I knew Kiri was just shaking out of control. After that we rushed here as fast as we could. Can we save her?!

Jake: I don't know... Get her in the tent, I'll call Norm and Max over here to see if they can help.

I rushed into the sullies' tent and cleared a spot, then set her down. She was still shaking a little and she wouldn't open her eyes, but the seizure looked like it calmed a bit. I had never felt so scared before. I couldn't lose her... not now. I felt some tears form in my eyes, and I heard the sound of a Samson chopper landing nearby. I turned around just as Jake, Neytiri, Max, Norm, and the rest of the family gathered around. Max and Norm had all sorts of medical equipment with them.

Y/n: What can you do? You have to heal her! I don't care how, you have to heal her!

Max went up and checked Kiri's pulse.

Max: Shit... it looks bad. I can't guarantee anything...

I stood up and looked him and Norm in the eye.

Y/n: You have to...

With that I broke contact with them and left the tent. I walked around some before I was at the end of a walkway. I sat down, and my thoughts were once again on Kiri. I couldn't lose her... not now... please, Eywa, whoever else is up there, let her live... I tried to think of other things to distract from Kiri. What did those visions mean? It seems every time I closed my eyes all I could see was those purple trees. I got up and walked to my tent. I set my stuff down and went to where my dad's dagger was, and put a hand on it.

Y/n: Dad... please let her live...

I sat in my bed and before long I had tears falling down my cheeks. My breathing got heavier and heavier before I felt someone hugging me. I opened my eyes to see that it was Tuk.

Tuk: Don't worry, big brother... Kiri will be fine, I know it!

Y/n: Oh Tuk... I wish I could think like that...

Tuk kept hugging me and I hugged her back.

Tuk: Don't cry, brother... please, then I'll cry...

Tuk had the beginnings of tears in her eyes. She looked up at me, and the tears began to flow from her eyes too.

Tuk: I don't want Kiri to die, Y/n... I don't want her to leave!

Y/n: I don't want her to either, Tuk... but either way, we must be strong. Even when people die, it doesn't mean they will be forgotten. In a way, when people die, they don't really die.

Tuk stopped crying some and stopped hugging me. She looked up.

Tuk: (sniffles) They don't..?

Y/n: No, Tuk. They live because we keep them alive in our memories. By remembering them, you keep a part of them alive.

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