The Raid

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A clang is what woke me from sleep this time. My eyes snapped open to take in my surroundings. We were following the train from above, and I noticed the Omatikaya around me were in attack formation, so I steeled myself for the battle to come. Jake gave one final war cry and the tracks in front of the train went up in smoke and flames. Soon after the train ran off the tracks and the cars went flying, everyone except for Lo'ak, Neteyam, me and Jake dove in to scrounge up what they could.

Jake: Ok, you guys know the plan. Stay in the air and alert us when more Sky People are here.

Lo'ak, Neteyam, Y/n: Yes sir!

Jake nodded at us then went down with the others. After a few minutes of circling the wreck, Lo'ak spoke up.

Lo'ak: You know guys, we should be getting some guns too.

I shot him a look.

Neteyam: Are you trying to get us in trouble? Jake told us to stay up here as spotters.

Y/n: Just let it go Lo'ak, maybe we could ask Jake to get a gun when we get back.

Lo'ak looks at us, then his eyes dart to all tbe people down on the ground.

Lo'ak: Come on guys, look at all of the people down there, he won't know.

Y/n: Lo'ak...

Lo'ak smirks.

Lo'ak: Fine then, guys can cover up here, I think I'm going to to take a little short cut.

He swerves his Banshee towards the train wreckage as Neteyam and I call out to him.

Neteyam: Lo'ak!

Y/n: Damn it, I have a bad feeling about this.

Neteyam suddenly swerves to follow Lo'ak and I hiss in frustration. So now I swerve my banshee to follow Neteyam.

As I land, I already see Lo'ak letting out a war cry holding up a gun up, with Neteyam approaching him. I let out another hiss and get off my banshee, and approach Lo'ak with Neteyam.

Y/n: What the hell is wrong with you! What if Jake finds out we're down here?!

Lo'ak: Oh come on, he won't find us with this many people here!

We then notice Jake storming up to us.

Y/n: oh shit, here we go.

Jake: What the hell are you kids doing down here?! Your supposed to be spotters! Spotters stay in the air to spot the airships!

Y/n: We know, Jake we were just try-

My excuse was cut short as a missile exploded.

Jake: Shit, everyone take cover!

More missiles were seen flying at us as I saw Neteyam quickly taking cover under one of the overturned train cars. I turned to see Lo'ak running for his Banshee, and I saw a missile coming right at him.

Y/n: SHIT!

I ran towards Lo'ak, grabbed him and pushed him as far away from the missile as I could. I turned around only to be thrown back from the blast, hitting my head hard and passing out.

As I slowly started to wake up, I could hear faint voices. As I got up, my hearing became clearer, and I could make out that it was Jake barking orders to the rest of the Omatikaya to gather what they could. I looked around and struggled to stand. I started to walk and collapsed. Pain shot through my body as I looked to where the pain was coming from and saw a medium sized piece of shrapnel sticking out of my gut. Not big enough to cause real damage, but it still hurt like a bitch. I laid against a rock and prepared myself. I pulled the shrapnel out, letting out a cry of pain. I held my hand to put pressure on the wound, and used the rock as support to stand up. I looked around again and noticed that my bow lay broken on the ground.

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