Skirmish at the Three Brothers

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A/n: Before we start, there might be one or two more chapters left in the story. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to all of you for supporting me and thanks for how successful you guys have made it. Also, I'm officially announcing a book after this one that will continue on Yn's story after way of water, to fill in the gap between way of water and avatar 3 whenever it comes out, so I hope you like that whenever I release it. And yes, I'm going to make a series on this. Anyways, after I finish up this book I'm going to take a lil break to celebrate finishing my first book, then start on the new book. Anyways, enjoy the final chapters!

I quickly joined Tsireya and Tuk in following the Banshee. Damn it, I can't let her slip away now! I continued to tread water with Tsireya and Tuk as we got closer to the massive ship ahead of us, which was now sinking because of whatever Kiri did with those powers. Shit, if we kept up this pace, the ship would be sunk before we even got to board it and find Kiri! I stopped swimming and thought for a while, then I put my fingers to my lips and let out a high pitched whistle. Five seconds later, Odaahving came flying in, with practically little to no distance between him and the water. I got my queue ready as Odaahving got closer and closer. When he was just an arms length away, he quickly turned upside down and I reached up my queue, connecting with him and grabbing onto him with my other arm. He turned back over and we took off after Kiri, who had now been taken on the ship.

Timeskip: Near the Seadragon

I brought Odaahving down near the outside of the ship.

Y/n: I'll be gone for a while, Ok Odaahving? Just remember, if anything happens, get ready to extract. You've been one of my true friends, Odaahving.

I pat his head and he chirped at me. I disconnected with him and hopped off the saddle, plunging into the depths below. I swam under the ship and found an opening. I entered through it and found myself in a moon pool. I look around and see more of the vehicles that were chasing us before, and Sky People everywhere. I hid behind a group of crates and spotted Tuk and Tsireya. They made it on board. I snuck from crate to crate closer towards them, until I was right behind them. I peeked out from the crate I was behind and the coast was clear.

Y/n: Hey, Tsireya! Tuk! Behind you!

They turned around and I stepped out.

Tsireya: Y/n! You made it!

Tuk ran up and hugged me.

Y/n: Woah, hey Tuk.

Tuk: Y/n, let's go let's go, we have to find Kiri!

Y/n: Ok, Ok, we're going!

We all quietly took off, scouring the entire bay section of the ship, all without alerting anyone. We searched and searched and searched, but still, nothing. We had almost given up and decided to head back to the moon pool and think of another plan. But when we got there, we had finally found Kiri: she was cuffed to the railing at the edge of the moon pool. We all ran up to her.

Kiri: Y/n, Tuk? What are you-

She was cut short by a kiss being planted on her lips by me. We separated and I held her face.

Y/n: Damnit Kiri, I thought you were dead! I saw them carrying you away, and I thought... I thought I lost you...

I could feel tears form in my eyes. Kiri grabbed my hand, which was still on her face.

Kiri: I thought I lost you too... Don't ever run off like that again, Ok? Please... I don't know what'd I'd do if I lost you...

Y/n: Hey, I ain't going anywhere, Ok? Now let's get those cuffs off.

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