Beyond the Reef

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I can't tell how long I've been here. And honestly... I really don't care right now. After I yelled at Jake, I ran out of the tent and dove into the water, and didn't stop swimming until I was at the overlook that Kiri and I had found. I looked for a Txampaysye, and strapped it to my back, just as the Metkayina teens showed us. Now I could stay as long as I wanted underwater, which was just fine with me. I went to the edge and floated down on my knees. The sand around me flew up as I landed, then dissolved into nothing. Everything was silent, even if my mind was not. What was I doing? I kept asking myself that as I positioned myself to float down on my belly. I floated down and I felt the sand against my skin. It was soft, softer than any bed I had ever slept on. Oh Kiri... I shouldn't have brushed her off like that. She was just trying to help. And Jake... I know I should probably apologize. Not just to Jake, but to the Ao'nung and Rotxo. Hell, maybe even Kiri.

With all these thoughts swirling like a whirlpool around my head, I didn't even notice someone lay down right next to me. Whoever it was put a hand on my shoulder, and it startled me a little. I turned to see Kiri. She couldn't speak to me underwater, but she didn't need to. Her eyes said it all, all of her guilt for causing the fight, how much she wanted to make me feel better, the sorrow from me shrugging her off. I clasped her hand and removed it, but didn't let go. We turned towards each other, both of us laying on our sides, gazing into each other's eyes for what seemed to be and eternity. After a while of staring at each other, Kiri made signs with her hands. I hadn't studied much of the Metkayina sign language, but from what I could tell she said that we should swim back. I knew she was right, that I should go back to apologize, but staying down here with Kiri is just... bliss. But all good things must come to an end. So we started to swim back.

Timeskip: Back at the Metkayina Village

No sooner than Kiri and I had stepped foot on dry land, I was instantly crowded by my family.

Neytiri: Y/n! Thank Eywa! We thought you had left us!

Lo'ak: Good to have you back, brother!

He held out his hand and I smiled at him. I swing my hand and we grasp each other's arms, forming our brothers-for-life handshake.

Tuk: I knew he would come back!

Tuk ran out from behind Neytiri and hugged me. I stooped down and reciprocated the hug.

Y/n: I could never leave you alone with Lo'ak, huh Tuk?

Tuk laughs and I stand back up.

Y/n: Sorry about completely losing it back there, guys.

Neteyam: I told you no matter what, you would always be my little brother. That still stands. We missed you, Y/n.

I nodded at him and finally turned to Jake.

Y/n: I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier...
I didn't mean what I said. You are my father, and for what it's worth, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Jake: I'm sorry too, Y/n. You don't bring shame to this family. You make it stronger.

The whole family then hugged me in one giant group hug. After we exited from the giant family hug, I still had to go apologize to Ao'nung and Rotxo.

Y/n: Right. Lo'ak, as much as I don't like it, we should go apologize to Ao'nung and Rotxo.

I look at Jake and he smiled and nodded to me.

Lo'ak: Yeah, let's go get this over with.

With that, Lo'ak and I started off to find Ao'nung and Rotxo. After searching for a while we found them by their Ilus. Ao'nung noticed us first.

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