-chapter 7-
Y/n sat on the corridor, facing a large window.
The sun had long set and the time was way past dinner.She stared at the dark scenery, looking past hells gates and to the forest.
The squeak of wheels soon caught her attention and y/n instantly knew who it was.
Who other than Jake?"Sully." She acknowledged.
Jake wheeled over to her balled up figure, her knees were tucked into her chest as she rocked on her butt.
"Shigaraki..." he spoke, sitting down next to her.
Y/n ignore his questioning looks as he stared at her."... I told you how I ended up here, so how did you? N-Not that you have to answer" he quickly stuttered afterwords.
Y/n stared at the man before sighing.
"Tell anyone and you'll end up neckless just like you did legless" Jake nodded his head frantically
"I had no choice. After all, I'm their 'great weapon', they need me" she quoted
Jake gazed at her, obviously wanting more answers.
"This world is twisted.." y/n begun, Jake nodded along to her words.
"I was 5 when it happened... my powers kicked in...I lost my family."
Jake let out an audible gasp, his eyes looking at her in shock.
"I told the authorities what had happened, they didn't believe me, heh" she chuckled bitterly
"Sent me, a 5 year old, to a mental asylum, a day later they were called back in cause I disintegrated everything I touched"
Jakes eyes widened.
"That's why you refuse to touch things!?" He whispered to himself in horror.Y/n gave him a smirk.
"I still remember the day I was taken in by scientist who wanted to study my powers... they seemed so nice, too bad they were all fake"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Jake asked
"They tortured me, cut me up and stitched me back together..."
Jake looked at her with wide eyes
"...while I was awake" y/n finished off with a laugh
Jake looked absolutely horrified at this new information, his heart clenched and he felt terrible for y/n.
"I-I'm sorry" he stuttered out
"Don't be, they're all dead anyways" y/n smiled crazily and got up from her spot.
"Night Sully" she spoke from the doorway as she left.
"Night..." he whispered

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 [𝐭𝐬𝐮'𝐭𝐞𝐲]
Fanfiction𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝟏. "Who did this to you!?" "...why do you care?" The only reason y/n ended up on that stupid spaceship to Pandora was because of her uncontrollable Powers, Her thirst to kill... What happens when Jake sully forms a friendship with the...