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-chapter 11-

Soon Grace and Norm arrived, y/n huffed as the hammerhead Rhino snorted and begun to get ready to charge at them.

"Come at me you ugly brute" y/n hissed out, her hand scratching her neck as Jake stood behind her.

"Don't shoot. You'll piss it off" Graces voice came through the throat mic.

Y/n turned her head and looked at Grace incredulously.

The hammerhead Rhino snorts again while lowering its hammer head.

"It's already pissed off!" Jake hissed into the mic

"Jake, That armours too thick! Trust me." Grace spoke on the intercom again.

Jake begun to back away while y/n stayed put, daring the creature to make a move.

The Rhino knock off pawed at the ground again.

"It's a territorial threat display. Do not run, or he'll charge." Grace spoke

"What do I do!?"

"Hold your ground"

The Rhino knockoff let out an angered puff of air before charging at them.

Y/n glared at the animal.

Jake shook a little in his spot before letting out a loud screech and waved his hands around wildly.

Y/n turned away from the Rhino and to Jake with a scowl.

"Would you Shut Up!" She rasped angrily.

The Rhino skidded to a stop just in front of y/n who had a dark killing intent aura around her.

It whimpered before backing up a little.

"Yea! Who's the baddest now!" Jake smirked, doing a little victory dance which, by the way, looked really stupid since he was blue and really tall.

Y/n paused as a large black cat with three tails crept up behind Jake who was still oblivious to being in danger.

Y/n blinked.

This was it.
If one more creature decided to fuck with her, she would disintegrate this entire planet to bits.

"That's what I'm talking bout bitch!"

The Rhino took one frightened look at y/n and took off running back to its herd.

"That's right motherfuc-" y/n smacked his head before he could continue.

A loud snarl came from the giant black alien cat and Jake slowly turned towards it in horror.

"So what's this overgrown cat called?" Y/n questioned into the throat mic.

"T-Thanator" Norm answered back, terrified for her life.

The Thanator let out a guttural roar as the herd of Rhino knockoffs ran away, now turning to face Jake and y/n.

"Soooo, is this one run orrrrr don't run?" Jake questioned slowly and awkwardly

"Run. Definitely RUN!" Grace frantically called into the mic.

Y/n wouldn't have had a problem with running if it weren't for the fact that the Overgrown cat smacked her with one of its tails.

Y/n growled at the cat.

"I'm going to kill that overgrown alien pussy-"

Jake chuckled awkwardly before yanking y/n by the waist and sprinting off with her as the Thanator chased after them.


Jake ducked into a tree which's roots let a safe spot.

The overgrown cat didn't like that.

It begun clawing at the root system, following Jake as he crawled away from the destroyed area.

The Thanator let out a roar before yanking Jake who was holding y/n, out of the tree, holding him by his bag pack.

"Uh! Y/n-" Jake called frantically

Y/n tsk'ed and disintegrated the bag as Jake took off again

The Thanator roared and continued its chase, Jake ran through the forest, putting y/n down for a moment and dragging her along by the wrist.

Y/n ran a little in front of Jake, her body skidding to a stop at a cliffs edge.

A huge waterfall rumbled underneath.


Y/n was stopped by a strong force crashing into her.

"YOU SHIT FOR BRAINS!" She screeched as she fell into the water.

Going down the river and then dropping the large height of the waterfall.

Jake just barely missed the Thanators last attempt claws.

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