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-chapter 5-

A tall orange haired woman stood in front of them as Max introduced her to them.
"And here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman, y/n Shigaraki and Ja—"
" Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" The woman cut him off, turning to Norm and ignoring the rest of them.

Y/n rolled her eyes.
Being awake for 6 years on a spaceship instead of being drugged like the others, she was forced to learn the language.
Let me tell you now. She hated speaking in the language, sure it sounded pretty but she was petty, the sole reason that the scientists didn't drug her was because they wanted her to learn the language.
"May the All Mother smile upon our first meeting." Norm answered her in Na'vi, Grace smirked and nodded approvingly, taking a drag on her cigarette before answering also in N

"Not bad. You sound a little formal."

"There is still much to learn." Norm smiles back as y/n glares at the two.
Jake waits while they ignore him, chattering in fluent Na'vi.

"Uh, Grace, this is Jake S—" Poor Max got cut off again at his attempt to introduce the group.

"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother." Grace spoke sharply, turning to Jake before turning around to Max

"You know -- the PhD who trained three years for this mission."

" He's dead. I know it's a big inconvenience to everyone." Jake answered sarcastically

LHow much lab training have you had?  Ever run a gas chromatograph?" She shot at him as y/n stared off at the side
" Any actual lab work at all?" Grace asked, getting frustrated

"High school chemistry.   But I ditched."

Grace wheels on Max, giving a frustrated growl.

"You see? You see? They're pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain." She hissed before taking notice of y/n who stood a little behind the group, scratching at her neck.
"And who is she?" Grace asked, pointing over to y/n.

"Your worst nightmare" y/n spoke raspily, walking over to the group.

"Right. And how much training have you had?" Grace glared.

Y/n cocked a brow.
"Lady, you have my role mixed up. I'm not the scientist, I'm the project" she lifted her hand up and adjusted her sleeve to show the gloves.

Graces eyes widened as she barked out a pissed off laugh.
"First they give me an injured marine with no training, Now they allow Dangerous Experiments to run free! Hasn't anyone thought of the fact that she might strangle us in our sleep!?"

Y/n's lips twitched.
"Finally, someone who gets it." She mumbled under her breath

"That's it! I'm going to Selfridge" she yelled, stomping away

"Grace, that's not a good idea." Max called after the woman but she was already out the door and stomping down the hallway, mumbling profanity's.

Max turns to Jake with a pained look.
"Here, tomorrow, 0800.   Try to use big words." He spoke before walking away.

Y/n watched them walk away as Jake turned to her.
"You won't REALLY strangle us in our sleep...will you?" Jake reluctantly asked

Y/n let a vicious smirk crawl onto her face.
"Depends if I feel like it..."

Jake gulped.
"How will we know when you feel like it?" He questioned

"I'll be extra touchy" she chuckled before walking away, Jake released a shudder.

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