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-chapter 18-

That something that the female had wanted to check was her tendrils, they were on her hand and wanted to desperately connect to something.

She trudged through the thick foliage, hoping to come across some beast she could disintegrate or threaten into bonding with her.

A rustle came from above and Y/n paused in her tracks... that was before a familiar clicking sound was heard and a purple fruit plummeted towards her face.

Y/n grunted as she reflexively caught the fruit from the lemur like creature.

She glared and turned away before pausing again as an evil smirk cracked her chapped lips.


"Y/n.!!! Y/nnnnnn!!!!" Night had fallen and the sully seemed to be looking for his female friend in the bushes yet had no luck.


"She's not here" came the annoyed voice of Tsu'tey who was forced to bring along the sky person.

Jake rolled his eyes.
"She might be, you never know" he scowled to the man next to him.

"Idiot" Tsu'tey spoke in his home language, confusing Jake who pointed the middle finger at the hunter then went back to yelling for his friend.


Y/n grunted as the lemur threw her back again.
Her eyes seemed to glow red with murderous rage, her hands twitched to strangle.

"Stay still you idiotic creature!!!" She hissed, leaping for the giant lemur again which blew a raspberry at her.

"I will disintegrate you and this entire forest.." she spoke through gritted teeth, not noticing the Sully and Navi man who came through the bushes and stopped once they had seen her.

"Y/n-" Jake was cut off by a frustrated yell

Y/n froze as she heard a rustle behind her, an ugly creature which she hadn't seen before crawled through, it looks something akin to a giant spider but had the face of a leech...

"UGHH!!!" She growled, ripping of the hand constraint that limited her power, a crazed smile overcame her face.

"Come at me, you abomination"

Tsu'tey almost jumped before her but Jake held him back, afraid his friend might actually disintegrate the na'vi man.

The spider-like creature screeched and scuttled towards her full speed.

"No!" Tsu'tey yelled out in horror and Jack bit his lip in worry.

Yet the second the spider came in contact with all 5 of Y/n's fingers it screeched in pain and withered, trying to get away as it's body begun to flake before drying up and disintegrating to small black ashes.

The two men stood, mouths agape, staring at Y/n as the lemurs finally came down and offered its tail to the female to bond with.

Y/n chuckled and let her hand tendrils do their thing.


The next few days, Y/n was forced to hang around Tsu'tey, who grew to admire the female, not that he'd ever tell her that, keeping up his cold facade.

Though in the night, reluctantly, he would talk to Jake and ask about the female.

"You Arn't quite na'vi...but you seem to have adapted" Tsu'tey spoke, walking around the female.

Y/n scoffed and scratched her neck. Of course the great weapon would adapt...

"Hn, your first task would be bonding with a direhorse.."

Later he stared blank faced and sweatdropping as the female galloped around the clearing with the grace of a warrior.

"What are you looking at..imbecile" Y/n snapped

"Alright then, I'll teach you how to use a bow and arrow..." Tsu'tey mumbled the next day, they seemed to catch up to neytiri and Jake in terms of teaching as Y/n seemed to know everything.

Tsu'tey glared as the female jumped the terrace with ease.

"Your holding the bow wrong" he spoke up smugly suddenly.

Y/n scowled and repositioned her arms so only 4 fingers held the bow as she stood on a branch up high in a tree.

"It's not wrong." She spoke up, turning her head just in time to see the na'vi who was supposedly looking after her, slip off the branch.

Her eyes widened and flashes of her older sisters pained face as she died victim to herself.

Without thinking, Y/n grasped a vine and swung down, managing to grab the na'vi in the nic of time.

His eyes were open wide and a blush graced his face as he stared up at the concentrated face of the female as she landed on the ground.



Y/n dropped the man, realising what she just did and scowled, crossing her arms.

"Don't. I couldn't have anyone accusing me of killing you without the satisfaction of me actually doing it" she muttered before walking away.

Tsu'tey got off the floor with a fond smile, chuckling.

He was sure now, she was the love of his life.. the one eywa had paired him with.

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