-chapter 8-
Y/n woke up late.
Well, more like she let herself sleep in because she had literally nothing better to do than dream about disintegrating everyone she hates.But never in her wildest dreams did she expect to be kidnapped in her sleep.
"Sully- mphf!" The said man's avatar form slapped his hand over her mouth.
Y/n growled in response.
Giving him a warning glare that said "you have 5 seconds or else prepare to become ash just like your brother"."Wait- wait- wait please y/n! I'm sneaking you on board!" He whispered panicked.
Y/n didn't look at all impressed.
Jake looked around as Grace called out to him to board the helicopter looking jet.
"Please keep silent" Jake begged before taking a sprint and jumping into the plane, quickly placing y/n behind some crates and covering her with his bag.
Y/n glared at him through the small gap, her hands moving to pinch his tail from the back.
"YOW!- I-I mean Y-YAY!" Jake stutters at the looks he was getting before looking back at y/n, fully prepared to glare at her only to turn his gaze away once he realises that she was already giving him a death glare.
To his utter relief, y/n was able to sit completely still and silent for more than half of the flight.
"Strumbeest herd, one o'clock" y/n heard Judy's voice
She scratched her neck and ignored her.
"Looks like a bull, six cows and some juveniles." She heard Graces voice
"The bull has the red on the dorsal armor?" Norm asked, stepping back and towards y/n.
Jake yelled out to him in panic as Norm tripped and fell right on top of y/n.
Grace turned around at the sound of the crash and pursed her lips at the sight of a annoyed y/n and a mortified Norm.
"Shigaraki!?" Norm called out in shock.
Y/n glared at him.
"5 seconds.""1"
"IM OFF!!! IM OFF!!" Norm shot up and jumped away from her.
"So, care to tell us what the great weapon is doing out of her confinement?" Grace looked over to her
"Planning my revenge to Quaritch and his lackey" y/n itched her neck
"On a aircraft?"
"I needed to get creative, how do you like the thought of me tying him up and slowly disintegrating his body parts, one by one while making his lackey watch?"
Grace quirked a brow.
"That is certainly creative but now that your here we need to take you back" Grace scowled"Why?" Y/n tilted her head
"The same guy your planning revenge on is going to blame us scientists when he finds out your missing."
"Then isn't it perfect? Imagine how pissed off he'll be...look lady, I don't usually do this but how about a truce?" Her (e/c) eyes stared deep into Graces eyes.
"And how would that benefit me?" Grace spoke, considering the decision.
"I want to get revenge on him and you want to stay on this planet and study it without destroying everything."
Grace looked over to her with a smirk.
"You've thought through this, haven't you?""Can't say I haven't." Y/n smiled innocently while Jake and Norm stood in the background shocked at what was happening.
"What do you want?" Grace asked
"The password to these stupid gloves" y/n extended her hands for the female scientist to examine
Grace winced at the sight of a dark rash where the gloves were, bits of skin breaking off.
"Damn. The password is 821134" Grace spoke, typing it in so the gloves slid off.
"I just witnessed the least likely negotiation to happen ever..what?" Norm turned to Jake who shrugged in response.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 [𝐭𝐬𝐮'𝐭𝐞𝐲]
Fanfiction𝐀𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝟏. "Who did this to you!?" "...why do you care?" The only reason y/n ended up on that stupid spaceship to Pandora was because of her uncontrollable Powers, Her thirst to kill... What happens when Jake sully forms a friendship with the...