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⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚...1... ⤹⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽˚


"You're alive..." Y/n breathed out as she cradled Tsu'teys head as he lay in the makeshift bed as he lifted his arm to hold her hand.

"You healed me, didn't you" he chuckled with a slight rasp, his throat still healing from the amount of water he had swallowed. His eyes trained on her face as he watched her fawn over him.

smirking, he spoke up. 

"You really thought I'd go just like that?"

y/n scoffed, sitting up from leaning on the wall and crossed her arms, dethatching her hand from the na'vis, making sure she didn't touch him with all five fingers.

"Man, I love you".

Y/n froze, red slowly dusting her cheeks as she looked down at the smirking na'vi below her. Gently guiding her hand down, Tsu'tey placed a chaste kiss on the back of it and connected his gaze to stare into y/n's (e/c) eyes.

"Will you be my mate...?"

"i-i..." She cleared her throat and mumbled to herself.

"Neither master nor the scientists taught me what to do in this situation" Barely catching onto what she said, He broke out into a laugh, tilting his head back to show off his white canines.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirked, turning his body so he could nuzzle into her stomach before closing his eyes and falling asleep again in record time. out like a light.

y/n blinked and looked down at the na'vi who smiled as he lay in her lap. Gently stroking his hair, y/n smiled as she zoned out.

It was all over now; the humans had been sent back to earth while Grace along with some others stayed on pandora as they had been loyal to the na'vi in the end along with a human baby which was too young to be sent back in a capsule.

Jake was Chief and had repaired the damages that had happened to the tribe with the help of the rest, Grace had become a teacher again to the young na'vi children and y/n...

y/n had decided to stay, perhaps being in her homeland would be better for her than going back to earth where she knew no one.

She had realised she was a na'vi all along with a rare mutation in a couple of her genes which gave her the appearance of a human yet the talents of a na'vi and she could have said she was gifted her powers by her master when she was younger...

Her master...she didn't know what he was, but she was glad she had the chance to meet him.

she looked down at the hands before reaching over to a cabinet and grabbing a bandage.

"Just to be sure" she whispered before wrapping up both of her pinkies...and for the first time in her entire life, it was voluntary.

A knock came from outside the room and y/n lifted her head.

"How is he?" Neytiri walked through before smiling coyly.

"I see you've gotten comfortable, don't worry, no one will be coming here for a while. I'll make sure" she winked and left before y/n could say anything.

y/n huffed and leaned her head back against the wall. 

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