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-chapter 4-

"W-well we were just going to see the Avatars.. would you like to come?" The man managed to stutter out as she glared at him.

She thought for a moment before nodding her head.

The man visibly breathed a sigh of relief as he lead them to the bio-lab.

When they entered, a man noticed them and walked up to them, introducing himself as max.

Jake asked them what they were doing and max begun to explain.

"Me and Norm were out here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars. They're grown from human DNA mixed with DNA from the natives here."

Y/n looked behind him at a tank with a blue substance in it, a huge blue man was floating in it, the 'avatar' had a large lean body and a cat like tail with pointy elf ears and dark blue markings on its skin.

'It's ugly..' y/n thought as she stared at the body.

"Damn. They got big" Jake spoke next to her as they both looked at the tank.

Norm spoke something to them but y/n turned him out, instead observing the blue liquid.

"You think they are blue because of the blue substance?" Y/n mumbled but Jake managed to hear her and almost smiled as she interacted with him.

"Probably not" he whispered, y/n's eyes widened and she scoffed.

"I wasn't talking to you" she spoke firmly
Jake just laughed. He then turned to norm as he spoke about the Avatar being his.

Y/n looked back at the avatar.
'Glad I don't have to connect with one of those' she thought, quite disturbed.

Jake wheeled back to her and tapped her on the back.

"Touch me again and you'll lose a finger" y/n spoke subconsciously

"Um.. we're going to meet our boss for the next five years" Jake spoke a little disturbed.

"Oh" was what she said as she silently followed after them.

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